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Tobacco and pot

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Yah , I'm a filthy Smoker aye. I want to stop , but then I would have to stop drinking beer , and there is no way in hell that is happening anytime soon.

The only reason I started smokin em is cuz there wasn't enough MJ. And what I had access to at the time was generally very shitty bushweed.Also we were young teens with fuckall money to buy any decent amount.

So for all the reasons listed so far It is used.


Crap weed for the flavour

Wet Weed for the burn.

Not enough weed to go around.

The Hit.

The cough supressant.


I use about 10% , Its such a tiny amount you wouldn't even notice , nearly everyone I've evr smoked with has used spin , and way too much in my opinion :yahoo: , Altho Ive noticed the yungins comin up arent to interested

in the "Evil Tobacco" , Hey , Tobacco is not evil , Its the fucken corporations that make the evil cancer sticks that have made it seem that way.

But anyway , I beleive a little tobacco can actually enhance the flavour of the MJ , sort of like salt does to food :peace: , and I'd like to see someone pull a fat cone (Punch It!) of some potent unspun bud ... hey , It happens , but rarely from what I see. Do you guys just toke over there maybe.most US movies I see they seem to toke rather than pull a cone. which in my opinion , is the only way to get stoned.



Well Thankyou for the topic

Bye 4 Now

From Budman. :peace:

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I used to mix 70/30 but there is no way I'd do it now. :peace:


I started to slowly add less and less each week for about a month until I was smoking straight cones. (might be abit harder if you smoke cigarettes too but at least it's a start) A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step :yahoo:


At first (as everyone always says) it makes you cough but you soon learn how to control it and trust me after not long you won't be coughing one bit.


You can also taste the weed when you're smoking it which is far better than tobacco.

And the best part is you don't have nicotine in your system giving you cravings which can involve mood swings etc.


It's been around 18 months now since then. :peace:

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Well until 1 year ago (shit time goes quick) I used be a chain smoker going through 50 cigs a day yet I never put spin in with my gear even if I only had a stick between 10 ppl. Why? Well not long after I started smoking cigs and pot about 21 years ago a guy I was scoring off made up a mull of 50/50 nice pot and bloody camel spin, now I could smoke cigs straight one after the other no probs but for some reason after a single cone I was told I turned green immediatly then proceeded to throw up :peace: That was the last time I used spin.

Not long after giving up cigs I was outta pot with no hopes for any for at least a week and I was under alot of stress at the time so I caved in and bought a pack of cigs, first drag gave me headspins second made me throw up so they went straight in the damn bin. :yahoo:

Honestly I've never felt so good since giving up cigs, I can actually walk a few miles without even losing breath compared to 12 months ago where I couldn't walk a couple of blocks before losing breath. I haven't givin up mj though and never will, however I have started using a Vap during the day and cones at night and have noticed I virtually never cough anymore at all, cones unfortunately taste like crap to me after using my Vap :peace:

To anyone using spin because it "gives them a better hit", sorry but thats frogshit, it's all the crap added to cigs as well as nicotine that's doing that, try smoking a straight cig cone and I bet you get a hell of a headspin. Just give spin up and if you're a smoker give cigs up and you'll have more cash for mj so you won't need to use spin to make it go farther :yahoo:

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Hey Congratulations on givin up the baccy , Well Done.


Now , about the spin , don't worry bout me guyz , I've smoked 100's of green cones , when I've had larger harvests I've just gotten used to pulling bits of the bud and just toastin em down :peace:

Man , I loved that , altho my throte didn't after a while :blink:

The thing is with spin smokers , Is I think we all know that the extra hit is from the evil tobacco chemicals , but we just prefer that.

So even in those times where I was just smokin green , I still would probly prefer the hit of a cone with a tiny amount of spin , and It is different for everyone , but it definatley seems to take that harsh scratch away from the back of your throat that (Well that I get) from smokin green cones. Again Its just from what I know from over the years of smoking with predominantly spin smokers. :peace:


I like havin a say on this subject , cuz it interests me the different areas in Oz that do and don't smoke spin :)


O.k. Seeya all later , I gotta finish this Beer and cigarette and go do more generic household Bullshit b4 I chop up another (Lightly spun) Mix. :)


Cheerz , From Budman. :yahoo:

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I just have to add that tobaco makes me incredibly ill, i cough and stuff its disgusting. ill pull a cone and just cough and cough and cough so it really bugs me when people adulterate our beautiful herb with an addictive destructive substance like tobaco. also i cant smoke when i smoke spun.


when i smoke spun ill pull a cone the nicotine will hit and i actually have to put down the bong before i can pack and smoke another and i usually end up never getting stoned cause by the time i feel well again all the weed has worn off.


and nicotine is a stimulant


it increases your metabolic rate


and thus makes you metabolise canabanoids one hell of alot faster.

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who cares all smoke is good smoke.....




I also used to smoke tobacco years ago... I actually had to stop something because I was smoking tons of Tobacco AND TONS of weed - at different times. I was a chain smoker with tobacco and am a chain smoker with cannabis. I have NEVER rolled cannabis with tobacco - even if I'm low. I couldn't smoke it together I don't think...? B)


I also NEVER smoke hash with tobacco anymore now that I've quit smoking tobacco. I like another Canadian who wrote in "dkone" said at the beginning of this post, only smoke hash with weed rolled in to it. That's how we do it in Canada. It's MUCH better this way... :peace:


My Humble Opinion...


Love and a Squish,







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When I first started smoking up I thought it was weird that people mixed their weed with tobacco. I eventually came around to their reasoning for a few reasons:

1) It makes your stash last longer

2) The headrush of a mixed baccy/weed bong can't be matched

3) Most weed doesn't burn properly by itself

That said, as a result of this I'm now addicted to cigarettes - I'm sucking down 10 a day because I have no sources where I live right now.:(

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