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Tobacco and pot

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Alas, that's the point, Maynard: yes, pot tastes good! Why pollute the taste of Winnie Greens with the taste of Winnie Menthols (or Blues, Golds or whatever)? I can understand the need for people to make their smoke last (povvo mature-age student meself!), ergo I use the pipe. As expansion mentions, dragging it gently does help immensely.


Anyhow*...happy tokin' dudes :)

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No man the reason to smoke both in combination is for the high. Joints don't work as well as a bowl. What you gotta do is get an old piece or designate one just for tobacco and weed. DONT EVER USE YOUR FAVORITE OR BEST PIECE IT RUINS THE FLAVOR FOR EVERY OTHER TIME YOU SMOKE OUT OF IT UNTIL YOU BOIL IT!! After smoking a regular bowl or two; do a mixture of about 40% tobacco an 60% weed or 50%-50% (50-50 will get you more fucked up). Have 2 or 3 of your mates with you, and standing up , take the biggest rips you can and pass it around as fast as you can (try to hold in the smoke until it comes back to you). Pack 1-2 more bowls quickly and smoke it in this fashion and you'll have a high feeling like your on ecstasy for 15-45 minutes. You will probably fall down!! Malboro reds or harsher tobacco gives you more intense of a high. Yes this tastes absolutely horrible and almost unbearable but its all about the high. Try this an get RIPPED!!!!
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I reckon it's just what you are used to. I started smoking weed with tobacco and I can still taste the goodness. But there are always purists that say you shouldn't put mixers in your spirits, or milk in tea or coffee, for instance. And remember there are also some folks that rave about the pleasure of smoking a good cigar( though personally I think they look, smell and taste like burning turds) So if the way you smoke works for you, good on ya, and f*** what anyone else says about it. :P Long live free choice! B)
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Guest DavidN
I smoked bongs for 9 years and coughed and hacked and got pains in my chest etc. Now I've switched to a vapouriser and make cookies and brownies....boy! What a difference! For the good that is. I am more alert, can think better, very little short term memory loss, yet feel extremely good from the actual cannabis, and it still controls my epilepsy and intermittant paralysis, pain etc. as well as it did before....only now I don't get the chest pains, don't cough and don't get red eyes or glazed eyes. What most people get from using tobacco in their bongs and joints is carbon monoxide poisoning and the strychnine, formaldehyde and 4000 other chemicals in cigarettes. Tobacco causes the addiction, tobacco causes withdrawal symptoms much moe than just using plain old cannabis.
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i smoke both mix and green. depends on me mood and how much mull i got or if i havent got any ciggys.


but ive only no a few ppl who cant stand mix (they happen to be family)


im a bong girl myself (obvisous) but when i do have the odd joint its mixed, my view burns better.


but at the end of the day i would rather smoke a straight cone then a mix.






:peace: Catch.

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