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Tobacco and pot

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I don't like the cigarette taste but dope without spin makes me cough my hole up.. anyone who smokes straight buds do you notice this?

When I first started smoking pot, the dudes who introduced to me to it always added some baccy ... back then I smoked ciggies but I haven't done that for a loooong time.


As for coughing your guts out when smoking straight pot - I'm not sure if I have just gotten used to it or it's because I usually only smoke pot that's been cured for a good coupla months. I use a vape 50% of the time but the other 50% I use a bong and don't have any drama's WRT coughing.


I only use spin if I'm smoking fairly fresh weed - which isn't that often.


I have to agree with White Cluster on the reasoning for the popularity or common practice of adding baccy to the mix. The earlier the dealer sells it the more it weighs due to the moisture content.


Before harvest i keep my plants in the dark for two days to try and reduce the chlorophyll (The stuff that gives the plant it's green colour and makes you hack - I think that's how you spell it) . Once havested I hang / dry my pot for 7-10 days, then put in some big brown paper bags for another couple of weeks (give or take) opening & stirring it daily, then jar em up and let it cure for a while (1-2 months). Try smoking that straight. I still manage to have a good hack every now & then but generally it smokes real smooth.


:) Tugboat lol

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I dont smoke cigs but mix my weed 40-60 weed maybe 35-65 ?Just a habit as thats how i started off and smoking green is good but couldnt do it all the time as it does get you coughing the more wacked ya get imo and smoking with baccy gives you a different stone imo each to there own either way just smoke it
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Baccy's evil shit; I only smoke about 1 to 2 cones of uncut hydro in a pipe at each session...sure, I might have a small coughing fit more often than not, but I once I've had my splutter, I'm sweet as. Reminds me of a saying that an old girlfriend had: "If yer don't cough, yer don't get off!". Admittedly, the smoke is pretty strong (especially for a non-ciggy-smoker who comes from a long line of smokers in the family!) but it's damn economical. And I still get my buzz, all the while hearing new instruments and background riffs in the music I listen to.


I might look at the possibilty of investing in a vaporiser, as Pipeman mentions about somewhere in another thread (cheers pal!)—perhaps that'll give my lungs a bit of a break!


I say, keep it pure!

Edited by Bag O'Turnips
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I used to hate people putting baccy with pot untill about 6yrs ago, I realised I'd always have about 6 cones to a sesh regadles of what it was hydro, bush, or crud, but with my cash drying up I had to start spinning it to get my daily dose, i think its probably a very unhealthy way to smoke, but as of a couple of weeks ago i stoped due to harvesting my crop, its nothing fancy gives me a fair stone, but best of all no more baccy and no more wasting $500+ each month buying shit weed off ripoff merchants and assorted low life wankers you have to deal with to get a smoke. not to mention the time it takes to track down a smoke
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I just think tobacco is evil shit full stop. I wonder what it is in it that makes the smoke smoother? ( cause I used to find that as well)

Now I only smoke pipes or joints, and if you drag gently and bring the smoke down slowly I never cough.

As I said before, I reckon half the reason you want to put baccy in a mix is that after a while you become slightly addicted to nicotene.

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expansion Posted on Feb 16 2004, 02:27 PM

  I just think tobacco is evil shit full stop. I wonder what it is in it that makes the smoke smoother? ( cause I used to find that as well)

Sugar and vannilla extracts are added to tobacco to make it sweeter. lol


Along with a few thousand other things too. :)



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We tend to put tobacco in our Joints, purely cause if you want a gram to last you need too :). I only started smoking spun cones a year or so ago, thanks to the influence of a mate who came from the eastern states.....To tell the truth I dont find much off a diff between adding and not, sometimes I cough from normal cones, sometimes I cough from spun cones. The only diff really is the "spinner" effect had from the tobacco...and the quickness of the hit kicking in when tobacco is included. This is my opinion anyway lol I dont understand the poeple however, that dont like the taste of weed....I enjoy it a huge amount :)



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