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Police bust pedophile ring

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Police bust pedophile ring


By Ainsley Pavey


February 13, 2004




The arrests came as the first man to be charged under new Queensland laws targeting internet paedophiles was sentenced to nine months' jail.



Matthew William Ross Kennings pleaded guilty to using the internet to procure a police officer who was posing as a 13-year-old girl in a chatroom.




Who are you telling about your grow on the internet ?? :)

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Guest Wilderbud

A little bit of paranoia is a good thing but Im pretty sure if the cops wanted to go after growers from here theyd just confiscate the whole site, and all internet transactions are archived for at least a month, so thered be almost no problem finding out who the growers are [in detail unless youre a phreaker].


Preying on 'innocent' people is sick and so is preying on open-minded innocent stoners. Ive spent 10 years being paranoid and Im sick of it - weed production/consumption should not be illegal [marijuana is good].

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Police bust pedophile ring


Uhhhm, pretty small pedophile ring, maybe they mean they busted his ringhole up, good on em.


Anyway, peds and stoners, different folks I'd hope, If your meeting up with little girls you deserve what you get.


That motherfucker was just done as an example, funny stuff, and good job on piggers side.


Anyway old Matthew William Ross Kennings is off having his arse raped, have a chuckle at his expense and sit back and realise you're not a ped, just a dope grower, to compare pedophilia to dope growing is comparing murder to stealing grapes whilst shopping.


Noone gives a shit about you, your as insignificant to the cops as you are to everyone else, unless your a ped. than you'll get what you deserve.


I cant see what the complaint is, a Pedophile is gone.

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all internet transactions are archived for at least a month

Errrr, I don't think so :)


Web server and proxy logs could theoretically be archived for years, but OS is hosted overseas so it'd take International co-operation with the Federal Police to get those logs (seriously doubt that's going to happen, but at MA we don't log IP addresses in the first place so there's nothing useful in our logs). Your ISP's web proxy logs would be the first logical thing for the Police to request, that or monitoring all traffic across your connection while you're online. Most large ISPs either don't store this information or store it for a very limited time, they just do too much traffic to be able to store it all.


But if the Police request it, they'll start storing all of the logs pertaining to your connection, so it's possible, it's just not a very accurate statement to say that all logs are archived for at least a month as it's different for every ISP and website.


If OS was using SSL encryption and not logging web traffic on the web server, we'd all be a lot more secure - no-one could eavesdrop on your connection to OS and they'd have to serve a warrant to get your PC or this website in the USA and that just isn't likely to happen for discussing personal use and cultivation.

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Guest Wilderbud
all internet transactions are archived for at least a month

Errrr, I don't think so :)

I am not talking out of context by saying Australian and US [or Canada] have laws which apply to their ISPs clients accesses [also data if requested]. I cant be bothered looking for particular info abolut this but I have known a few people who have been raided in the US at least and their ISPs and intermediate ISPs [and servers] were consulted to get a archive of the transactions.


I guess http://www.google.com/search?&q=isp%20law%...20log%20archive will have some info but Im too lazy to look for undeniable proof of this.


Having said all this I still wouldnt worry too much unless I was a real criminal [or associated with one] - theres bigger fish for them to fry and youre right it isnt easy getting the access [although its not impossible or impractical].

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I get Buddy's point right between the eyes. I was just talking with my wife (moments before reading this thread), abouthow we as smokers, and to the law, potentially dealers; are worse than child molestors.


Reading the opening page of this site, there's an article on the cops unearthing a grow in Voctoria that was underground, the cops prying into driver's lives by wanting to know what chemicals are in our blood, and a South Australian mongrel police commisioner that claims the courts are too lenient on us all, because the courts aren't taking into consideration the damage to society we cause as dopers.


Nowhere, that I know of is so much concerted effort and concentration of attention given to pedaphiles, and sickos in general. not even to burglars.


I might be missing it, but I don't see the poice commisioners making statements that the courts aren't sentencing perverts enough, taking into consideration of the damage they are causing sociaety, yet injure society they fuckin well do!


So for the most part, society, or the keepers of society (the cops) see us as more dangerous to society than child molestors and break and enter experts. Sentencing details show this without doubt. Get busted with say 30 bags of weghed dope and see what you get, while a freak recently got just over a year in a bris. court for molesting a litle girl.


it's going to come down to just one thing I reckon if they ever take after us in this agenda (and I beleieve they already do), and that's funds. If they decide to allocate the money, they'll do it.


I've had emails, asking me if the site has a set price for dope and similar stupid questions, like "if the site doesn't sell grass, do I know anyone on the site that does, who can help me?". I haven't had any strange enquiries for ages, but I feel as though a baited hook has been dangled here before.


I'm still here, and my house is still safe, and I suppose is so my telephone, so don't let a little danger scare the shit out of ya. just be aware. As Buddy said..."who" are you talking to. that's all you have to worry about. Same as in the street, or at the pub..


The rest, as in ISP numbers and so and and etc.. are all protected by privacy acts, and need specific court orders to violate, which they could get, but it would have to be seriously justified before any JP or judge gave the ok for such a huge landmark to take place.




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