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Hi all, if you step out side you will know it is well and truly winter now. After many many moons, I have finally gotten my new room up and running and onto my second run. Which is always a treat in a fresh new CLEAN room. However as it is new I have not grown in winter in this room.


I am in my second week of 12/12 and the girls are looking nice. I was sitting in my room last night checking everything and As my in line fan kicked in 2 hours after light switched on, the air was so cold. Temp checked it and the air pumping in was 9 D, outside temp 10. So I temp checked the whole room no dramas. I have a nice oil heater set to 21 D, that keeps the room heated during the day and night. But this in line fan seems way to cold to be blowing in. I run DWC, so I am trapped between a rock and a hard place, do I keep the in line blowing and take a chance of giving the plant cold snaps and cooling the water in the buckets to much and the plant not feeding as much as the water is to cold. Do I turn it off and risk heat issues later once the girls start to flower more??

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Seedling heat mats under the buckets. Hook it up to a thermostat in the bucket and just set it to 20C. That's what I had to do with my current grow, seems to have helped a fair bit. Or if the mat isn't powerful enough grab an aquarium heater that will do the trick. You can get one with a thermostat and 150W heatin for about $20
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man pot likes a dip in temps and 9 deg is nowt .. keep them fans a running ..




I agree, they should be fine. I've grown dwc through a few winters in what sounds like similar temps. Plants handled it no worries, I'm sure they may have grown a bit better without such low temps but it made no big difference and I couldn't justify using more electricity with heaters and such.


Naycha :peace:

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I've seen cannabis plants actually growing in snow !

Yep, frosty leaves too and a great final plant to boot.

Some of you guys are much too concerned about temps, light leaks and


It's a WEED remember. A strong adaptable one too.

Then lets see some diaries and good lookin plants from ya then..........havent seen one yet...... :pardon: . peace. Nibbler.

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Why was your fan kicking in? Unless you have multible it/they should be running 24/7. Water should be @19-21 I think so keep a fish tank heat in the water. I ran an oil heater in my tent last year but this year I decided not too and have had no problems. I run light on during the night and I get my air directly from outside and it got down to 2 deg last nite. Tent temp was 13.
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I've seen cannabis plants actually growing in snow !

Yep, frosty leaves too and a great final plant to boot.

Some of you guys are much too concerned about temps, light leaks and


It's a WEED remember. A strong adaptable one too.

Light leaks pretty much equals hermie

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I was taught by a real numbers freak, always said that temps shouldn't drop blah blah blah. But he was into the $$$ side of things not into personal meds.


I personal didn't want to turn the fans off as good plants need - food, light, temp, fresh air. No fresh air means no co2.


I would love to see a plant grown in snow, guess it would be a white strain.


But this is the fun of a new room. Finding out all the diff stuff about it. Like a kid at Xmas.

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