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Canna vs the rest

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Yer I have heard a few good things about General and H&G.


I do like canna for the stable Ph. Ie add you nuts to your water and Ph is almost spot on every time.


But after few years of growing. I find most of the premade foods are just not cutting the mustard.


I do like the idea of worn tea, which would be a great thing. As it is the same as Rhzisotonic or however you spell it . As $80 a liter is a bit to much. Has any one tried mixing or making your own food? Ie 1-2-1 NPK I have seen one person that does do it and the results are just amazing. Mind you he is a horticulturalist .


I understand premade foods are nice easy and fast. But I think spending the extra time to add your N-P-K as seperate think would be a lot better. More so for me and others that run DWC.


Also the fact with making your own food you can go more organic or even veganic ending in a more cleaner and natural med without the 7 month outdoor wait.

A bit off topic but yeah Jorge cervantes is pushing and organic tea, he stews guano plus other shit for flower, then that same shit plussheep or goat ?? for veg; defn worth a google.

apparently u just oxyginate and use in your main rez, pump it into hydro? or onto coco...

i know nothing of the bug control needed to be playing with this much crap. sounds plausable, just way too much turd etc. Id preffer the sterile alternative. If someone pulls off a hyrdo grow with this and dont get bugs crawling all over their buds, then Ill give it a go. theres organic and then there is rediculose.

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