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Hey all!! i am looking for some help and advice. Bought some seeds from site sponsor, all good!! Decided to try to grow 'bubblegum' indoors, Perth.


Plant is about 4 weeks, and was going well. During the day on the window getting some warm rays, and in the evenings under a 500w lamp till bedtime. The soil is seedmix with a slow release fert added. Watering a little everyday or so.


The lower leaves have turned brown and are dying, and it is moving up the plant. Please see pics.


i have also noticed the stem is thinner at the base of the plant. just wondering if i have root rot or something with too much watering?


please help!


cheers all and have an awesome day!





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hey mate looks like stretching for light to me also when starting seedling out iwouldnt start in a mix with nutes i woulld say that would be your problem. not sure on any advice to give as i dont play with potting mixes indoors try to stick to coco next time or pot it up in coco all the best with it :bongon:
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Hi it doesn't look like over watering, as your to growth seems fine. From what I can see it is only older growth that is affected. Nuts burn will start on new growth. It looks like N deffeancy to me. As new growth is green. The plant will suck the N from older growth to feed new growth untill there's nothing left and the new growth will turn out like the rest. This could be from under feeding or your Ph is out. Test your Ph and check that your PPM is right.
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staffs tell us what light you are using and how far away from plant it is, temperatures etc, ... cause the plant needs intense light of the correct spectrum to be healthy.... with no wind/breeze the stem is weak

the more you can tell us about the plants surrounding environment , then the more help/advice we can give you ;)



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I really can't see it being nuts burn. As the main leave affected are lower older leaves. Leading me to say N deffeancy. Nuts burn is normal and all round burn to tips of leaves new and old growth. The yellowing between the veins is the start of N deffeancy, as the Plants is sucking N from old growth to promote new growth.
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