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Cannabis and Exercise  

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Hey guys, its been a long time since i have last posted here and in the years since i have picked up the habit of bodybuilding and put on over 25kgs of pure muslce (without the juice!) and the past few years of dedication have started to reap rewards not just physically but mentally. Along the way i have not quit the hooch and still a daily smoker. However i try not smoke atleast two hours before working out, training or playing rugby but on the odd occasion i have indulged just before a session and not found any negative impacts other then feeling like the odd one out, laughing halfway through a routine and getting around all slanty eyed.

Just wondering if there is anyone else on this board who is into bodybuilding and can share their experiences or anyone who plays sports, works out, exercises or even part take in the old yoga?



Edited by xShivaspacetechnologyx
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Haven't really started yet but plan on going to the gym more often i used to go before but stopped and want to get back into it again. Good to see that it doesn't effect you atleast hopefully i will go alright. Always wondered about smoking before the session. Guess it will just have to test it out before hand i do most things stoned so it shouldn't matter.
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Haven't really started yet but plan on going to the gym more often i used to go before but stopped and want to get back into it again. Good to see that it doesn't effect you atleast hopefully i will go alright. Always wondered about smoking before the session. Guess it will just have to test it out before hand i do most things stoned so it shouldn't matter.


Well hopefully you get back their soon and start achieving your fitness goals!


Haha i did many tests to find out my own personal optimum timeframe from smoking to the start of my workout and after the copious experiments i found a good 2 hours seems to work for me. Longer if it is going to mainly be a cardio session or game of rugby. So good luck with your experiments and goals!


i have a gym setup next to my computer....lucky me....

type type type.......do a cple of sets....type type type.....cpl of sets....

have some fluids....

watch a movie....







Haha got to like your style mate. I actually started out doing something similar using a home gym set up but then eventually grew out of it and had not other choice then to start heading to the gym. But recently been turned on by calisthenics and street workouts as you can get some awesome results and amazing working outs that burn just as much as weights and most important of all anyone can do it at anytime without forking out for gym fees!

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Hi Shiva, I'm a gym goer slash stoner I find that when i smoke weed before I go it sometimes helps me do more sets and lift more because I'm stoned and my mind is kind of tricking the body if you know what i mean. And It feels great haha. Even when i go for a stoned run, I run alot faster and further distance (sometimes I run the wrong way and its a dead end street and have to turn around haha). Its the best having a big gym sesh and then goin home and having sesh cos it relaxes the muscles instantly haha. Probably isn't a good thing though if you wanna get somewhere with the bodybuilding like competing.

Just thought I'd put my 2 cents in on the topic cos i found it interesting. Cheers

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Hi Shiva, I'm a gym goer slash stoner I find that when i smoke weed before I go it sometimes helps me do more sets and lift more because I'm stoned and my mind is kind of tricking the body if you know what i mean. And It feels great haha. Even when i go for a stoned run, I run alot faster and further distance (sometimes I run the wrong way and its a dead end street and have to turn around haha). Its the best having a big gym sesh and then goin home and having sesh cos it relaxes the muscles instantly haha. Probably isn't a good thing though if you wanna get somewhere with the bodybuilding like competing.

Just thought I'd put my 2 cents in on the topic cos i found it interesting. Cheers


Hey Squint, so have to agree on your point about being stoned when doing weights. Not sure exactly what the contributing factors are but i have put it down to the fact the smoko is lowering my blood pressure and keeps it low when doing strenuous activities (yet from experience i feel the muscle "pump" a lot more when not stoned and can lift heavier). But i found from my own personal experience when doing cardio or running activities it drains my endurance abilities.

Plus definitely love having a few cones once i'm home showered and had a nutritious feed, nothing better for muscle relaxation, apart from benzos but they cause havoc on your balance, strength and all round health for a few days after consumption. So really nothing compares to the amazing properties of the hooch!


I am an X power lifter and i use to smoke after my heavy days as my muscles would spazm very badly on squat day to the put it looked like i was having a fit... i stopped when i started competing due testing ....


I know exactly what you mean mate. Do you mind me asking how long out from a competition or before competing would you cut the smoko out?

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i dont smoke at work etc so i just work out as soon as i get home then smoke afterwards. i have found if i smoke before hand i lose a little motivation.

sometimes a nice sativa will motivate me but i try to avoid it


Loosing motivation can be a huge factor when smoking and trying to achieve your fitness goals. I guess it is just about prioritizing what matters to you most and finding motivation there.


Sativa dominant strains are th best pre exercise, their uplifting traits can be a great motivator at times. Where as the Indica are best for post workout as they help relax the muslces and bring on lethargy which isn't a good choice for before activities

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