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NEGATIVE ION GENERATORS Negative ions are oxygen molecules which have been loaded with an extra electron. They float in the air and when they encounter a positively charged molecule (which is missing an electron) the electron jumps, neutralizing both molecules. Positively charged particles include dust, bacteria, fungal spores and odor molecules. Eliminating these air- borne particles and causing them to precipitate is helpful to the growing environment. According to studies performed during the 1970s, both animals and plants performed better in a negative ion rich environment.


Negative ion generators use a miniscule amount of electricity to charge the air. They are harmless to use and eliminate odors which are not too intense. They should not be used in the grow room during the last two weeks because they will reduce the taste and fragrance of the buds. Instead, they should be placed outside the grow area so that any odor which escapes is eliminated.

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This is an article written by Ed Rosenthal;


For small gardens of only one or two lights you may not need to use an ozone generator to eliminate the smell. An air ionizer, or negative ion generator, may fit the bill. Ionizers add extra electrons to oxygen molecules. These ions float around in the air until they come in contact with a molecule which is positively charged because it is missing an electron, such as an odor molecule. The electron jumps over to the positively charged molecule. The molecule, now neutralized, loses its odor, no longer floats, and precipitates out of the air. Negative ions are considered healthful and are generated naturally by splashing water, such as crashing waves and waterfalls. Tests in the early 1970's indicated that ion enriched air increased contentment and learning in humans.


Most ozone generators use a UV light to convert oxygen (O) to ozone (O3). Oxygen, like all gasses, floats around as a molecule consisting of two oxygen atoms (O2). The energy of the light causes the O to form larger molecules of three atoms. These molecules are not stable and one of the atoms is ready to jump from the molecule and combine with a positively charged molecule, which is missing an electron. When the atom combines with the molecule it oxidizes it, just as happens in a fire. The molecule is neutralized, loses its odor and precipitates.


Ozone does not have the benign reputation of negative ions. Although low levels of ozone can be used therapeutically, high atmospheric levels are associated with lung problems and other ailments. That being said, the practical experience of being around ozone-enriched environments is not bad for several reasons.


The first is that the neither negative ion generators nor ozone generators should be placed within the grow room. The neutralizing effect of the reactive molecules eliminates most of the plants' odor, leaving the bud with impaired taste. Instead, the de-odorizers should be placed in the ventilation to outdoors, or in a space or spaces adjacent to the growing space, so that any odor which escapes the area is neutralized. If the space around the growing area is mostly unused, a raised ozone count will have no effect on health. While I have noticed no health affects upon people who do spend time in ozonated rooms, I prefer to take a cautious attitude about ozone's health effects. Here are some guidelines:


1.) Ozone generators should not be placed where people spend long periods of time.


2.) If the ozone generator has a control to regulate production, keep it at the lowest amount which eliminates the odor.


3.) If you are to work in a space which is usually ozonated, shut the ozonator off an hour before you enter.


I have combined the ozone and ionizer to work in conjunction with the exhaust fan eliminating all odour.



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