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good movies to watch when stoned


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Yeh , they are pretty good aye Robbie , but they're not movies :P

(Which one you like , Hotdogs? or the other channel? ... or flick between em?) B)

Those shows annoy the shit outta me , nearly as bad as all Ads with anything to do with Mobile Phones .. B)


Hahah , anyway ... a few that may or may not have been mentioned


"Animatrix" is pretty good , Great visuals and different styles from multiple Manga directors ... :bleh:


"The Incredibles" (Pixar) was a good yarn too , also with great visuals ... as most of the new CG films do ..


"Sin City" was very good , great style to it , I wanna see it again ..


And ofc Waking Life , A truly great movie with excellent visuals .. :applause:


Also , nearly anything By Tim Burton , that guy has a real style all of his own ..

Batman , Beetlejuice , Edward Scissorhands , Sleepy Hollow , Nightmare before Christmas , Big Fish , Corpse Bride etc ...

I think he also worked on the animated "James and the Giant Peach" (By Roald Dahl) years ago , which as I remember It .. was the First CG film that I ever saw ... not sure If was the first ever tho ..


Anyway , enough of my rambling ... I'm a pretty big movie fan , and watch almost anything (Visual or not) - always stoned which is the only way to watch movies Imho lol


Haha , Bye 4 Now lol


Budman :bleh:


(Last night I watched Dawn of the Dead (Not Romero) , Followed by House of 1000 Corpses (Rob Zombie) )

(The night before I watched Man on Fire (Denzel) , followed by Chronicles of Riddick (Vin) )

(And the night before that I watched ... hmmm I can't remember , I think was Minority Report and Butterfly Effect)

(Who knows What the bedtime movies will be tonight , Tis a mystery) B)

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Agggggggghhhhhhhhh Scareface :thumbdown: that was a scary one ..


I've watched a few movies recently ... excluding TV .. here are some of the titles ..


Waking Life

What The Bleep Do We Know


V for Vendetta

The Hills Have Eyes

Saw 2

Clerks 2

House of Flying Daggers

Around the WOrld in 80 Days

Sin City

The Exorcism Of Emily Rose


Fun With Dick and Jane

Monty Python and The Holy Grail

Monty Pythons Life Of Brian


Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas

Waking Life


And more ...


Was a fun week :helpsmilie:


Budman :punk:

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