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good movies to watch when stoned


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post-5949-1171470832_thumb.gifYes, Pulp fiction I agree absolutely... isn't that why the movie was made? :freak:

Also Bram Stoker's Dracula is great, Pink Floyd's The Wall, Wild at heart, Jade (a real b-grade but good when ur affected flick), natural born killerz, scarface! now that's a mad movie no matter what ur on!!! Cheers! *Claudia :peace:

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Recently caught a movie while traveling so not sure if it was on pay tv or free to air.

Very much enjoyed it, an aussie movie filmed like a doco about the daily life of a melbourne hitman, wont say much more cept its called 'The Magician'.


A good stoned movie sequence is from the film 'The Time Machine'. The part where Guy Pearce is sitting in his time machine unconcious and its firing thro time into the future. The cgi is really well done as the planet changes thro ice ages etc. Another good flick :peace:

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Everyone should check out "A Scanner Darkly"....its done in cell animation and is about a drug called Substance D. I've watched it heaps when I'm baked, is pure crazy stuff. Apparently the book (from which the movie was adapted) is pretty kick arse as well. Enjoy....Also, yeh I agree with Fear and Loathing, its the shit.



Just saw 'A Scanner Darkly' the other day, you're right - pure crazy! love the animation style. Phillip K Dick wrote alot of great books.

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