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G'day Troops.

A good friend of mine has a hydro setup on the go and she contacted me today saying she has white fly in her grow. Does anyone have any clues how to make them go away. I would use mozzie coils as I know they are ok early on, but her crop is getting near ready to cut. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


:guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

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She's up shit creek, the yellow stickies from bunnings work but will not fix the problem. If the grow is nearly finished just keep going with it and big clean up after, then start all over again.


You can buy critters that will eat them all http://www.bugsforbugs.com.au/index.php never tried myself.

Edited by Vrod
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Be carefull that you do ya research on bugs that eat bugs,


I got myself a spider mite infestation and tried to use preadator bugs, however after i got em found out that in a 12/12 cycle they hibernate and dont really do anything, so after i found this out i didnt bother putting em in the grow because the leaves they came on had spider mites on them (food for the preadators ).


Since then i have hit em with the vaccume and been killing them myslef, i have 3 plants and at the moment i am spending about 1hr each day hunting/killing those little fuckers!!


Best of luck to ya!

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G'day Troops.

I told her about the white oil and yellow sticky pads Nitty recommended. But I also told her about what I did with Fungas Gnats. Now before you come hunting for me, hear me through. I used cheap as chips mozzie coils. It nailed those filthy little mongrels inside a week, gone, finished, fucked. It broke the breeding cycle and so there was their demise. These were only small plants, I wouldn't do it with my plants in full bloom, but saying that, mozzie coils active constituant is pyrethrum, and that comes from daisies. It's an insecticide that's been used for millenia to control bugs, and other creepy shit.

Some here claimed it was harmful to your health, so's living. The lists of things you are not suppossed to eat, if I took any notice of that, I'd have starved to death 30 years ago. I eat just about anything that will hold still long enough for me to bite. Coffee, bacon, full cream milk, butter, cream, cheese, meat, and all the other prohibited stuff. But I do it in moderation, with the exception of chocolate, ice cream and cake. I'm 59 years young. Just last Monday I had a heart stress test done, unpleasant but necessary, and my heart is in terrific nick. I'm stoked.


:guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

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Hey guys not sure what country you are from but here (OZ) they sell a 100% organic product called Mulitcrop - Eco Pest Oil from any bunnings not too expensive. Kills nearly everything from Scale, Spidermites, Aphids, White Fly & many OTHER pests. BEST THING as you said her plants are almost ready to cut....this being 100% organic you can spray a day before cutting or haversting. connie_waterbonsai.gif

alchamest....I feel your pain I had spidermites and TRIED everything....I MEAN PUCKIN EVERYTHING! Then I used this product and was like WTF YAY BABY YAY!!! NO more hunting for the little puckers for hours on end anymore & has basically made all pest STAY AWAY...less stress and headaches for me ;) :db:

For info MORE check out: http://www.multicrop.com.au/home-garden-products/eco-pest-oil-insect-spray.php and/or http://www.multicrop.com.au/info-sheets/Multicrop_EcoPest_Oil_info_sheet.pdf I buy the 1Lt bottle...but if she has a shit load of plants get the 3Lt (will save ur pocket) comes with a handy ready to use spray gun...just spray the plants all over - making sure to get under ALL the leafs & onto the stem till there is some run off with the spray...GOODLUCK GO ORGANIC & SAVE YOUR PRESIOUS BABIES! :crazyrocker: Time for a FAT :bong:

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Thanks Auntynorm I had an outbreak of white fly realy bad on a flowering thai tanic I didnt want to spray it with anything as I am going to smoke it one day. I put a mozzie coil under the plant so the smoke rose up through the leaves, its great the mothers hang out on the underside of the leaves and thats just where the smoke hits first. I left a 4inch strip in the tent over night during the dark period and this morning I cant find anything on the leaves. I am going to continue the treatment for a week and then continue using a hit every couple of days as a general preventative measure to make sure they dont return. Nice one brother, many thanks Tangwena
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I have had the problem on occasions and found NEEM oil

works very well. spray after lights out and repeat 2 days later


I agree with HHorn, I spray neem oil even if I don't have bugs. Spray my girls at end of week one, week later spray with healthy earth ( seaweed base organic) then neem oil week later, repeat. Once I see buds forming I only spray under leaves.


Yellow sticky strips not really there to get rid of the bugs more to show you that you have bugs. Before they get out of hand.


I have two mates that have those raid timer spray things you get from Coles or woollies. They don't get any bugs, but not to keen on them. In there defense they say well there ment to be placed in your house.

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