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O.P. Rum Tincture

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Hi All,

So on the advice of others I've used some of my find to make tincture or green dragon. Now, I had a look around and found a few recipes. Some say cook it, others say don't. Some say use coffee filters, others say don't. Some say leave it to steep for 3-4 weeks, some say heat it. Well I need this quickly, so I took a bit of all the info I found and did this.


I took 1 oz of head and using a coffee grinder made it a powder.

post-24238-0-61103600-1323669960_thumb.jpg post-24238-0-47865700-1323670144_thumb.jpg


I placed it on a foil lined baking tray and cooked it at 130C for 15min in the oven. This process releases the right cannabanoids for the alcohol to absorb



I sterlized some jars with boiling hot water(notice the spoon in each jar, according to the wife this stops the jars shattering with the hot water) Then dried them in the WARM oven



I distributed the baked pot into two jars. I could have used one jar but wanted the entire mix under the level of the water in my saucepan (see below)



Taking one cup of OP rum (57.7% alcohol or 115 proof) I covered the pot with the rum



I heated a saucepan of water to about 40C then placed my jars in the water. Some say to use a wire rack at the bottom of the saucepan, but my wire rack was too big, so again on the Mrs' advise, I placed a tea towel in the bottom so the glass jars weren't drawing the heat directly from the base of the saucepan. Notice the level of the alcohol and pot mix is below the water level



Now the alcohol evaporates at 75C. So using a candy thermometer I kept it below 75. The recommendations are 65-75C. I kept mine at 70ish for about 35-40 minutes.


Then came the straining. One video I watched used coffee filters but when you go to squeeze them out they rip contaminating the product. So I went to the fabric shop and bought some muslin cloth or cheese cloth. And fitted it to the top of the final jar. DO NOT FORGET THE RUBBER BAND, unless you have two pair of hands as it makes one hell of a mess if the cloth comes free from the jar. DOH. :doh:



Due to the fabric of the cloth you can squeeze the hell out of it and get the maximum out, Coffee fiters rip.



After doing all of this, there was a little still in the cheese cloth so I squeezed it direct into my mouth. The taste ain't great but being rum it helps, but shit am I bent. :crazytwist:


I will be offline for a bit come Wednesday and I won't be able to smoke, until I get back home, but the mrs can bring me in daily doses of green/brown almost black dragon and I won't need any pharma from the Drs. :thumbsup:



P.S. Next comes some hash oil (I hope)

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Great tute Merl1n, wish I'd found this before I embarked on my green dragon adventures!


Anyway, I have essentially followed the same process...

  • 7g decarbed bud in 120ml Spirytus, steeped for 7 days, shaken vigorously min twice/day
  • cooked at between 70 - 75C for approx 30 minutes (I wasn't sure what this bit was for, but apparently this is the part that makes it a tincture? vs an extraction perhaps?) 

This reduced the volume of the alcohol to approx 70ml.


I've strained and am keen to test, but no idea where to start, ie how much!  


Merl1n or someone, I'm hoping you might help me out with a starting dosage.   I don't want to waste half the tincture starting too low!  but don't need to od either lol


EDIT/  I've had a bit of a look around and it seems 0.5g bud is a good starting dose for edibles...  so if that's the case I should get 14 doses of 5ml from my tincture.   Thinking I'll give this a shot.

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Hey Crow,

That's a bit of a "how long is a piece of string?" sort of question, there really is so many variables. Whilst in hospital a while back, a swig was enuf to get me hummmin along. Now at the time I was well dosed up on opiates most of the time, but a nice sneaky large swig saw me thru quite nicely till the next meds trolley came round lol



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Cheers Merl1n, I am never at my best when posting on here lol


I took the 5ml, diluted in a tablespoon of cream and slowly got it down trying to hold sublingually for a minute or so.  The immediate effects were quite nice and initially had me worried that I'd started out too high.  But that was about it in the end.


Even so, if I can find a way to consume it without being observed, it should take the edge of the impending family road trip :P


Once again, thanks for an excellent and succinct tek  :thumbsup:

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Nice Merl


Made some recently but with 40% vodka



Lighter colour is 24 GM's of popcorn n second trim and darker one is 40 GM of popcorn n second trim


Used 700 MLS of vodka for each and had roughly 100 MLS loss dues to absorbtion and evaporation


I found the flavour starts getting nice after a.week


I do 10-15 MLS in soda water and it gets me good



Edited by Brim
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