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Mull away on the 7pm project

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Also on 60 minutes last night the guy at the end which has a political comment about things was talking about synthetic drugs etc and actually said that


"maybe it is time that we legalise drugs and work on the education of our youth to try and minimise harm etc etc"


i am serious here this would have to be the first time i have EVER seen the mainstream media actually admit that maybe education is better than prohibition.


Did anyone else see this faint glimmer of hope for the future !??

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G'day Troops.


For starters, those dipshits on such programs as the project, are not Journalists, they are television presenters, or social commentators, whatever one of those is. They can't get or hold a real job. So if you try to get fair coverage from them it's just not going to happen, forget it. All they are consumed with is ratings, this in turn means more advertising, which equals more bucks for the network. They don't give a flying fuck about legalisation of cannabis, you could be an axe murdering, gay, agnostic, goat fucker with one leg and you would recieve the same treatment. It's all to do with the sensationalist aspect, more viewers, then rip fuck out of the interviewee, make them LOOK like the above. They are worse than the police or court system, as at least with the law you are innocent until proven guilty. Not with these smegma, trial by media. And they will gladly supply the rope to hang you with. If you ever get approached by one of these maggots, king hit the bastard, then put in the boot. I'm absolutely fucking stumped, that anyone would watch that shit. That arse wipe Springer, should be shot for starting this kind of garbage.


Dark Spark, my friend, the only light at the end of this tunnel, is the headlight of an onrushing locomotive, sorry. There is no unified voice for cannabis users, whether medicinal or recreational. The apathy of the Victorian people was evident yesterday at the rally in Flagstaff Gardens. There would have been lucky to have been 100 people there. It's the same old shit, it's too hard let someone else do it. I was ashamed to be a Victorian medical user, yesterday. There are a fair few Victorian cannabis users, where were they? I'm pushing 60, suffer from a broken back and brain injury, had to travel a fair way, yet I could get there.


No guitars for these scum.

Edited by Auntynorm
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Yeah, I went and had a debate on their site too. Got shot down in flames, even using facts, and they regurgitated every misconception about cannabis there is. The 7pm project are a bunch of twats, they aren't intrested in cannabis as medicine or anything, just more contraversial hype to boost their ratings.

If ya ever watched their show, you'd know what a pack of spineless arse sniffin nuggets they are anyway, Censored, homoginized Journalism at best........... at worst an hour of crap and crap opinions for the wine quaffing yuppie types before they blow a gram up there nose for their dinner party. Lmao. useless. peace. gh72



Just watched the segment. Not one bad word was spoken about cannabis by any presenter. It was a positive story, and may have inadvertently awoken the sleeping dragon.


People need to stop hating.

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Howdy folks, just watched the clip on the project website....was very positive and was great to see people listening instead of the usual media bagging us users, recreation or medicinal generally get. I strongly advise every to go to the website and vote on the poll, at the moment its reading 49.72% say totally legal, lol...its not often we get a voice, so lets shout it out people!!!

Just my 2c......cheers, KB!

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