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Urban guerrilla grow in Sydney

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Went to the grow today intending to move the plants to a different location not to far just to reduce the chances of some one ripping em if any one has a keen eye on them. AND THEN THERE WAS 3... haha mother nature always bites you in the ass or maybe it was a result of the humans trying to engineer femenised seeds. My greatest pride and joy The Arjans Haze 2 is a hermi... bloody hell ay. Last time we visited the bastard looked like it had nut sacks but this time for sure every where. Lucky they havent burst yet or maybe they have not to sure. We chopped the bugger down pulled it outa the put and they beauty was root bould like a mofo. And at the very bottom under the weedmat was a million ants creating an ant nest. So thats what they were. Not to sure if they caused any harm but they would probably have protected it from other bugs. Also the coco peat was not to wet not to moist abit more on the dry side at the bottoms but it was a beauty doomed from the day it cracked open from a bean. Sorry couldnt get my camera. We were gona move the plants but those big ass bull dog ants or fire ants nto sure which one bit my mate 4 times. If im gona move em its gota be during the night. The church has a fair few pre flowers but the hawaiins nows have maybe 2 not even. So i dosed the hawiin snows as normal veg nutes and with the church wasnt to sure. My mate insists that I should give flowering nutes yet. Said it isnt ready so I just gave it veg nutes with a small dosage of pk 13:15. Had soem other weak flowering nutes but wasnt to sure can any one give me any advice, I know I asked this question before but if i swap to flowering nutes want the plants become nitrogen deficient? Did i do a stupid thing mixing veg and flower nutes together? Should i wait till theres abit more pre flowers and a bit of heads on the plant before i swap over or should i swap to complete veg nutes now. Cheers and now the show has begun haha.
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Syco !

Bummer about the shemale man :( were they black ants ?

Ive heard black ants keep a few of the pests away (along with termites) without doing too much harm, but dont quote me there .

Good to hear the other girls are still powering along.

Make sure the new spot is even sunnier and they will finish up nicely


I have these jumping jack ants that try and eat me every time im out there so i feel the pain !

The PK13:15 doesnt have any nitrogen yeah?

I think you definantly want a bit of nitrogen all the way through so you can mix something with it.

But personally i wouldnt mix two chemical ferts, your better off using some of that charlie carp stuff as well and they will go mental :)


Looking forward to some pics next time buddy,

doing a great job !!!


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Yeah they were ordinary black ants, some were brownish but normal ants for sure. Hahah bloody shemales. I think i know those jumping ants, theyre tuff, cant kill the suckers. Yeah never thought mixing nutes was a good thing, hard to measure and yeah the pk 13:15 has no nitrogen. My theory was that the veg nutes would cover for the nitrogen as well as the pk 13:15 adding abit of p and k for abit of extra boost. Which one is the charlie carp stuff? Gota find a good spot to move em to. Still cant believe i gota bloody hermie. At was the biggest and meanest of em all to haha. Anyways man cya tc will post pics up soon.
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They were meant to be fem seeds aussie. I think it was green house seeds co. Ive heard that they some times fuck up and unfortunately for me that was the case. I think fem seeds have a higher chance of becoming hermies, thats what ive heard though. "Charlie carp = bunnings" cheers aussie have a good one.



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Aussie my friends grown there arjanz haze 10 times and this is the first time its turned out hermie. Theyve got some popular strains and every one usually has positive stuff to say about their products quality but on the downside ive heard there seeds become hermie fairly easily. Wouldnt really be bothered getting any free seeds though. I wasnt really aware of the consequences of importing seeds till lately ive read upon a thread on this forum and it got me real paranoid. Once you get into the game you realize how easy it is to get your hands on seeds, had a few hundred good quality stuff till my mum found em and tossed em loll. Sawyer, ive heard arjan the owner of green house seeds co is a real prick who takes advantage of others and also heard his a big coke head, dont know if thats true or not but yea still got 4 of his seeds stashed away after i traded my mate some northern lights for em. His plants do get huge but usually you find to many of em mutants or in my case a damn hermie haha. What would of sucked though is if that damn hermie pollinated the other plants. Thank god i got their on time haha. Anyways aussie and sawyer keep safe and best of luck with your grows. That remidns me sawyer gota visit your grow your plants probably a big monster by this stage Cheers syco
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that sux syco should get some a that ant rid shit an pore it around ther bottem of the pots on the ground that should fuck em a lil ,


what ive noticed growing in big pots from day 1 is after a long veg of pureing water from top down the bottem gets rteal hard , ive found no roots penatraiting the bottem iof the pot , couse its so compackt , i find start smaller pots an work ya way up , about 3 pot changes through veg works better , thats the way i do it an deff a pot change when i see ther white hairs , seems to work better ,


sorry to here about that fucking hermie thing , i had a shity load of them last year , them seeds went in the park garden lol , mine aint been dry for weeks shit weather


good luck with the rest bud :bongon:

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