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Help...I Burnt my plants

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I have AK 48 and Wonder Woman,

my tent is a 1.25x1.25x2 with a 1000w HPS Digital with cool tube.

the average temps are between 28-31.

Using canna veg and Flores a&b with boost, cannazyme, PK13-14, Ryzotonic and superthrive and I keep the EC at 2.0 during flowering

I flush the plants and the tank every 2 weeks and keep the PH during flowering between 6.0 and 6.5

I dont understand why my plants got so burnt.

they are in week 9 so near the end and I have done smae stain in the same set up at 42 for a couple days and they did not look as bad :(

I am using a 25L bucket with a basket using clay balls


I have reduced the watts to 500wHPS and thentemps are now at about 25

Will they recover or are they too far gone?

Are there ant ttricks I can do to help them other thabn adding more superthrive

these pictures are 3 days after the temp was reduced!








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My main thought is what are your nutrient solution temps, and what do the roots look like? Also how long have you been ignoring the problem cause they look way immature for 9 weeks? Intake fan and exhaust fan details and whatever else you can think of would be good.


Show us your roots (if it is dwc). If it's recirc clay, more details about feeding regime and drain lines etc...


Naycha :peace:

Edited by Naycha
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Hi every one and thanks for all the advise,


I am using clay balls in a basket that sits inside a 25L pot. I feed thorough a recycling system 15 mins every hour during on and off time. The pots feed back into the tank.

I have 2 X 50 L tanks one with a float valve to keep the water level constant, tank 1 has fresh water and tank 2 with float valve is kept at EC 2.0 sometimes 2.2 and PH 6.0 to 6.5

Water temp it kept at 22


My main thought is what are your nutrient solution temps, and what do the roots look like? Also how long have you been ignoring the problem cause they look way immature for 9 weeks? Intake fan and exhaust fan details and whatever else you can think of would be good.


Show us your roots (if it is dwc). If it's recirc clay, more details about feeding regime and drain lines etc...


Naycha :peace:

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I will take some pictures of the roots tomorrow afternoon and post them :)


I ended up stripping all the dead (brown) fan leaves off. 3 of them seeemed to have recovered a little. Did not get a chance to take pics of the roots, but they looked healthy - so it must have been the heat!


Hopefully with all the dead leaf matter gone, some fresh air and more light can penetrate...oh and I also turned my ballast (digital) down to 50% so 500 watts!

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