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i reckon this site is m j tafe. only in this case you can smoke in class 


:D ROTFLMAO...... Bout right. E-tafe MJ 101... :huh:


Anyway, the reason (I think) wc has told you to plant tip up is because of physiology... Watch a couple seeds germ. How does that little root tip go normally? Straight? Or curved? Ever noticed that? When the seed puts out its initial root, it curls down and into the soil... (Remember, in nature seeds just drop on the surface usually, and germinate from there.) and then by straightening out the line of root/stem, the seedling rises up...


It's hard to describe, isn't it? Hmm... Tell you what, do a little test, get a jar, and place some seeds between the inner surface of the jar and some moist paper towel. Make sure the seedlings are only about 1cm down from the top of the paper, but are against the glass so you can see what's happening. Place seeds, in various positions, around the rim, and put in a dark place. By the next day or two they should germ, and you can watch where the taproot exits and the way a seedling orients itself in the soil to emerge.... I know, it's a pissfart around, but it really shows how seeds germ a lot better than most ways, and you can watch the process too. You don't need to use good seed, just take some crap bagseed and do some experiments. Always fun to learn by practice anyway. You have to eventually.... so you might as well find out as much as you can about the process and try out a few different ways. ;) ;)


Ultimately, it's up to the individual about how they germinate their seeds. I've used lots of methods, but I tend to come back to rockwool or perlite/vermiculite. Mostly because I grow hydro, but also because of convenience. I'm similar to WC, but I don't use the paper towell usually, just plant em pointy end up one knuckle under the surface, backfill with some perlite and spray with ph water until it's soaked the media well. They usually do the rest themselves. ;)

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I have had great results from using this method.


Purchase a 3 piece propogation tray WITH VENTED LID from local nursery ($15 max... 3 pieces are.. tray, propogation cells, vented lid)


Fill propogation segments with good quality seed raising mix and water


Press seed lightly into seed raising mix


cover with a fine layer of vermiculite (so seed is just covered)


Water with mister


Place lid on tray with vent closed and position so it gets morning sun


KEEP MOIST with MISTER until your babies spring up (which should be fairly quick using this method)


Every seed I have ever done in this fashion has germinated. (except for a couple of rotten seeds)


When they get a bit bigger you can re-pot and keep in the propogation tray till they get to a decent size. Its important to keep humidity up for good veg growth. (misting through the vents keeps the humidity high)


hope it helps..

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erix here~~


I like the plastic cup method.. I get very good results without having to soak or zip lock bag , paper towels . all I do is get a few plastic cups , plastic wrap ,rubber bands, & some fox farms (LW) soil, add some vermiculite ,and last but not least ,earthworm castings. ( you can add some black magic soil about 2 cups to help retain water ).


#1 ok first poke a few 3/16 " holes in the bottom of your cups



#2 Now fill 1" from the top of your cups w/ soil , careful don’t pack down .


#3 take a sharp pencil & poke a hole in your soil 1/2" down

if you like you can use the paint on the pencil , as soon as you get to the paint STOP.


#4 Take a seed that is free of defects & drop it in, & cover.



#5 Now add a lil bit of water .


#6 what you do now is cover the top of your cup with plastic wrap & use 1 of you rubber bands to hold it on nice & tight . now with your sharp pencil poke a few holes in the plastic wrap , just a few with the tip of you pencil .




if you try this method ,you will find its very easy not to screw up

& the good thing is that you don’t need 2 transplant for weeks , that way the plants have time to grow & build there strength.




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