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HELP! Light Rail photo's included

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Guest Wilderbud

Shouldnt be too hard to find a bit of aluminium to use as a rail for that but you are going to have a problem running it.


That motor will go forward and back depending on what way the positive and negative is so youll have to get a device that will output the power level the motor needs and it will need to have 2 push switches that you can attatch at the ends of your rail so that when the light moves to an end and trips a switch it will change the polarity of the power to reverse the movement.


The motor should be very low speed but it might be good to get that checked.


Get a rail and 2 end caps first so that you can roll the light mover motor from one end to the other without being able to pull the wheels out. Then fit 2 blocks of wood or steel on your grow space and attatch the rail and 2 switches to them - you might be able to just slot the block so you can just sit the rail in the centre of it like so;


## ** ##

## ** ##



* = rail

# = block


...then just get the switches and stuff made into the device youre missing [some sort of light mover ballast]. You could use car door light switches for this project but Im not an electrician so I cant tell you what you use to change polarity - take the motor and switches to a sparky and ask him to make you a box which lets you use all of it - just say when either switch is tripped you want the polarity to change. Tell him how long the rail is also and you might want to get another rail for keeping the wire out of the way - hehe.


Sucks how you missed out on the ballast.

Edited by Wilderbud
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i just cut the end of the plug off!!


i found 2 WIRES!!!!!


1 blue wire

1 orange or reddie colored wire!!


anyone know if it is earthed or not skankmaster?????


plus im going to put a plug onto it today. my friend no's a bit about electrics and stuff.


ill post a pic of the wires soon with my digi camera.


cheers drummerlars

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hay i changed the power plug to and Australia one and the rail it working well. YIPPPPEEEEEEE


also do you guys no where i can get a rail for the mover.??


Also wilderbud on the motor unit it has a plastic end that when its pushed the otherway it reverses the motor and goes back the other way.


all i have to do is put something there then when it hits and pushes the platic lever back it goes the other way.


any more help??


cheer Mates

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You got it snorted, nice one drummerlars... No earth mate, i would definately run one- no bullshit. The two in your plug are the live wires i talked about earlier. If you cant find a rail easily at Bunnings or a Steel supply try an Aluminium extruding company. You will have to make some sort of "stoppers" on the rail where you want the motor to run between, some sort of clamps or maybe screws drilled into the rail(that will all depend on where the contact switch is)The contact switch is the plastic end that makes the motor reverse direction.Once you have the rail and get the motor running on it, stop and have a bong, then go back to it.... you will soon find a solution to the "stopper" problem. Good luck.. and seriously mate earth that sucker..
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