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HELP! Light Rail photo's included

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If you bought it from the trading post why don't you ask the person you bought it off? surely they know how it works


cutting the power chord off and wiring on a different one is a really bad idea. Don't fuck with electricity unless you know what you're doing. I can't believe you are even thinking about this. Get this idea out of your head right now. Either find out from the person who sold it to you or get in contact with the manufacturer or throw the bloody thing in the trash.

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Guest weekprik

I would be going to Dick Smith electronics

www.dse.com.au and by the proper adapter, they are not real expensive and allows you to plug you plug in to the adapter then straight in to the power socket,


Otherwise yea, ring the person u got it off and ask them WTF to do,



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Righto, if it says 240 volts then there is no need to freak. Just make doubly sure it is 240 volts!.The sparking you saw must've come from a bad contact when you plugged it in(due to the fact that the prongs are different). What you have there is an African(more than likely Southern African and more likely South African) two prong plug top. It has one live wire and one neutral and unfortunately no earth(which you can do yourself or get someone who knows a little about electricity to do it for you) to connect to. Cut the plug off and put an ozzie plug on and you should be sweet, if it says 240v you should have no worries, whatever you do do not plug it into a transformer!!!!

Depending on your power at your grow point(ie: do you have an earth leakage protector or do you have fuses?) you may want to earth the sucker, this is quite easily done. Find a point on the light mover casing where there is a metal screw screwed into the casing/frame of the mover- this is where you want to earth it. Take/buy a piece of 2,5mm green wire and get a small ring terminal and strip the wire back and crimp the terminal on to the wire.(terminal crimpers and terminals can be bought from Bunnings for 10 bucks). Take the crimped terminal(which is crimped to the earth wire) and remove the metal screw in the casing where you are going to earth it to. Put the screw through the terminal loop and screw it tight(remember it has to be tight to get a good earth).

Now connect the other end to the earth terminal of the ozzie plug top you are putting on. You now have an earthed light mover in ozzie mode....

Oh yes dont worry, i used to be a sparky....

Oi, good buy for 60 bucks...

Just remember drummerlars, always ask/check with someone if you are still not sure mate, we sure as hell don't want any growers fried on this site....

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Or you can do what pipeman said(sorry Pipeman- i didn't read your thread before i jabbered off). Get an adaptor from dickys- it will be a Southern African adaptor and may be difficult to get hold of.(i know this as i had a tattoo artist mate out from South Africa a few weeks back and he couldn't find an adaptor for his tattoo kit, so he chopped the plug off and put an ozzie plug on).

I would still recommend earthing the sucker anyways mate...

AND if you are still not too sure, get someone who knows about it to sort it out 4 u.

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Righto matey..

Earthing: In an electrical circut you have three wires, two that carry load(or power- live and neutral) and an earth. The earth's main job is to save your ass if there is an electrical short. So in a situation where you have an electrical short, the earth becomes the escape for the power, taking it to earth, and if you have a safety switch it will trip- no electrocution! Concidering it takes less than 6 seconds to kill you if there is no earth, i would say it's the most important wire.. by fuckin far... If there was a short for example on your rail and there is no earth, the entire motor and rail and whatever metal bits and pieces are connected to it become live! this is fuckin bad news as no earth in this situation means that any piece of that metal which is live is life threatening!! So i would defiantely earth it.

If the rail makes contact with the motor by means of metal rollers then you can earth the rail instead of the motor. If there are rubber wheels on the motor and there is no metal between motor and rail then earth the motor.

Earthing using terminals sound difficult but it is very easy because as long as you put the earth wire to the earth point of the plug top(the middle longer one) and earth it to the casing, you will be fine. The earth does not carry power unless power is discharged through the earth due to a short or fault.

If you are still confuzzed, ask more questions mate, do not fuck with it if you are not sure. We are here to help out. Have you checked your Distribution Board to see if you have a safety switch?

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