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Lights drying out soil?

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Currently I have planted seeds into 5 seperate pots, which is enclosed in a computer case I have at home. This is only a stealth grow for about 2 weeks, when I will be potting the seedlings that erupt and placing outdoors.


I have two 60w light globes about 10cm above the pots bu I'm worried about the heat they are giving off and whether it will dry out the soil faster than normal. I have placed an 80mm fan at the front of the case sucking fresh air inside the case and another 80mm fan at the back of the case blowing air out at the same rate.




EDIT- Crap at spelling

Edited by XerXes
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Thanks for the information, scrapped the stealth computer case idea and have set up a small cupboard instead. I bought a single tube fluro lamp and also installed intake and exhaust fans. Can I use the fluro set at 24/24 for the first few weeks of the plants growth and then move them outside? Should I worry about the plants trying to flower due to the decreased sun?



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Guest Wilderbud

This is how I am growing buds ATM. Im growing from seed and 1 clone [1 died - too much pre-flowering] and when theyre a foot tall I will stick them outside to force flowering if I cant get a good indoor environment by then.


I have a bit of a heat problem ATM but I have 2x48W CFs on some seedlngs and have 6x38W strip flouros sitting around doing nothing until I get better air circulation. All of these lights together can grow the plant to a foot in about 2 months. I think the strip flouros are better than the 48W CFs I have but theyll be forgotten about soon as theyre bulky.


We have great weather [in QLD anyway] and roughly 12/12 lighting outside at all times in .au [10/14 and 14/10 for winter and summer - Sativa buds grow+bloom more easilly here apparently] so its OK to use the sun to flower at any time if youre moving from a 24/0 light situation and as long as the weather is decent. As long as you move your plants from 24/0 to something under 14/10 then it should flower.


If you move from flouro to sun then do it gradually [over a week] or they might get sunburnt.

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Added another fluro tube light, so there are now 2x 18w lamps above the seedlings. As I have height problems in the cupboard I will be unable to grow the plants under light for their entire life anway, as stealth is an issue.


Thanks for all the information, without it I would be in serious trouble :)



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