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Guest BudWaver

ok man give us a link for this sionide.....I know its got pacrobutonal or something like that which is widely used in the pipfruit industry..I havent heard of the one you are talking about...


Well shock me people selling magic formulas to boost mj yield etc....The whole industry is rife with overpriced wonder chemicals which little more than what powdered nutes do......

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BudWaver Posted on Nov 2 2003, 04:45 PM

  ok man give us a link for this sionide.....I know its got pacrobutonal or something like that which is widely used in the pipfruit industry..I havent heard of the one you are talking about...


Well shock me people selling magic formulas to boost mj yield etc....The whole industry is rife with overpriced wonder chemicals which little more than what powdered nutes do...... 


I too hadn't heard there were levels of cianide present, if that's what your trying to refer to... I'm with budwaver on that one, show us a link.


But BW, you have to admit, this is a little more than someone putting a simple nute preparation together and calling it a wonder chemical. They refused to state what was in their product, and when someone tested and found out what was in it, they first denied it, then admitted it, then say they're going to sue the pants of anyone slandering it.


Well sorry, but paclobutrazol is not designed, nor approved for use with our favourite plant, and they've shown no evidence whatsoever that they've done any testing with the substance in MJ plants to show that it isn't harmful to human health. A little different from overpriced wonder chems which little more than what powdered nutes do, don't ya think?


Sorry, but I'm very angry with DM at the moment, and I don't think

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Guest BudWaver

Is there anything actually designed and tested with mj use in mind in australia? I greatly doubt it....


paclobutrazol is designed for use with stonefruit crops and supposedly retails for about 1$ a litre


DM is actually violating food laws by not telling us exactly what is in their product...but then they can argue its not for foods....with the exception of stonefruit...lol


Cyanide in dm product?....huh?


Theres multiple new products on the market which are wonder chemicals....I take it all with a grain of salt as most of it ya need big $$ to buy it...


If in doubt grow in soil...and let mother nature take care of things for yas all...


Or research the background of your favourite mj additive

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The best thing superbud did for me was make me aware of silica's capacitry to prevent moldy buds. I don't think I will ever use that shit.


On og there's a thread about the carcinogenic effects of sb but it's so much drivel. I mean like how much is left after the bloom anyway and anybody needs to know how to pour there nutes properly but this stuff is very bad in concentrated form anyway so handle with care.

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It kind of gets me how there's all these chemists out there... How do you figure any amount of a systemic PGR/herbicide is safe? Do you know this for sure or is it just a guess?


My guess is that no amount of this product can be guaranteed to be safe in MJ. However, it isn't a case of guessing.... more a case of suppliers providing absolute proof.


Paclobutrazol has limited licence for use in some crops. Mostly it is used in budset scenarios (that's Mango budset etc). Because of timing the product shouldn't be present in the actual fruit. ie. consumable product. This is not the case with MJ. Paclo will be present.


The questions then become: How much? What happens upon combustion? If toxic- how toxic?


As far as I know, cyanide is not present... I have no idea where this rumour started. I doubt it is true, unless combustion produces cyanide as a by product, which I doubt.


Sudden impact is Paclobutrazol (part A) and Cycocel (part :P. To the best of my knowledge cycocel is at 1ml/ltr. Both of these products have (potential) toxicity issues, which are yet to be answered/alleviated by scientific proof.


Paclobutrazol is a systemic product that has withholding periods of up to one year. The EPA lists it as: No Known Human Carcinogenic properties.

A similar listing was given to the organochlorine group of herbicides (DDT, Agent Orange etc) many years ago.


Paclobutrazol's use was banned in sweden in 1991, due to non-biodegradable properties. Even the scientific community is in debate about the safety of Paclobutrazol. Like the organoclorine herbicides it is rated as a chlorine herbicide (ie. similar molecular structure). Chlorines when combusted can become quite deadly. I'm painting a grim picture because it's safer to go this way than to be optimistic (until the facts are in).


Attached is a lab finding of Paclo in SB.


To be fair to DM, however, they weren't the first crew to put this stuff to market. It is probably their mass marketing that has led to the negative publicity SB is now getting. We can't say that it isn't safe... That's not the issue. Irrefutable scientific evidence needs to tell us it is safe before it is put to market.... That is Ag law!


Any product with Paclo in it needs to acknowledge active constituents, handling precautions, toxicity ratings etc. Sb doesn't do this.


Making this stuff yourself would be heaps cheaper - but why would you?


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Guest BudWaver

Update on SB....because of Austrlaias food labelling laws it looks like DM wont be producing SB anymore...as theyll have to state whats in it...ie Paclo...so they refuse to do it....


They amount of paclo they use is miniscule....but its more than other products on the market which have it in but in smaller quantites...yet noone is knocking those products...its all being hushed up


Keep the weed chem free........

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Keep the weed chem free........

So does that mean you're against the use of SB now Budwaver? :P


They amount of paclo they use is miniscule....but its more than other products on the market which have it in but in smaller quantites...yet noone is knocking those products...its all being hushed up


Can you name any? Where'd you hear this? I'd like to know if there are any products which are potentially contaminated... Is it only bud enhancers/additives which are rumoured to have it present? :P

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Guest BudWaver

Nah I personally dont have a problem with it.....I eat chicken from a supermarket which has female hormones in it..turkey which is saturated with hormones..Im growing tits...and I still eat the stuff


I cant afford to eat organic...free range chicken....beef that hasnt been cooped up being force fed grain...la la la


I just like for people to know whats in the product they are using...


I like to use as little chems as possible...its cheaper in the short term and better for ya in the long run


Ive forgotten which products which were pointed out to me which had it in..the hydro shop showed lots of bud enhancers which had it in..probably representing about 25% of the bud enhancer range...not many overall but plenty in my mind and it miniscule amounts they said


I like to experiment...SB has been one of those experiments

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