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Stunted Plants!

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Hi all I"m having a go at my first indoor grow ............growen a few plants before & some pot so I am a basic gardener

I bought some KC Afghani seeds from herbies a while back and all germinated fine.............

I was useing a fridge in my garden shed and having all sorts of temp problims finally give it the flick and set up a wardrobe in my laundry

Temps are much better stable at around 27iish........

OK my plants are just over a month old and small...........smaller than a lighter?.......In the past plants I have growen in the garden/bush or in pots have been bigger and more robust. these kiddies are pa;e like a lemon greenish?

Got me??????

OK they were under 2x130cfls in the fridge but had to fan duct cold (winter) air in or the temp would it 50ish....off period i think temps went dpwn to 15ish

My mix is black n gold potting mix and searls propergation mix...2to1 ratio ph is about 6 if I can trust my cheak chinese ebay meter

I think it might be the cold! as the lights were on over night I started on 18/6 then read about the 12-1 theroy (must admit since I changed to 12-1 and the wardrobe there has been some upward groth)

Still pale and stunted germinting my last 3 seeds today to see if they are different under wardrobe conditions.......have more bagseed but would like to keep the afghani pure

would the cold affect them?

would over nutes (propergation mix) affect then I'm guessing they are sative......................no nutes till they were a month old just water

any ideas people???

if they are stunted would that affect clones in a happier enviorment?

your opinions please pics are in my grow diary

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I dont really know.. But since your spending the money on getting some decent seeds, why not spend the money on getting some decent medium? I would never use any black & gold products on my grows.


Also alot of growers seem to have problems growing in soil, there may be too much nutrients in the mix your using and stunted the plants growth? Could be a number of reasons... But I doubt its the cold..


Good quality coco is easy as piss to grow in :) Cost ya 40 bux for a bag of decent coco and another 30 for some good coco ferts :)


Hope that helps :)

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i wouldnt get too fancy pants with no stinken 12-1, its a hippy theory :thumbdown:


and since its your first indoor grow, keep everything standard to start with before you try advanced techniques

get the basics down


but those plants are really small for 4 weeks, id try to keep them warmer and reduces the temperature fluctuations


I saw my temps getting down to 16 at night, so i turned off the cooltube fan to keep it up around 22-24 consistantly :thumbsup:


you could try leaving them in 24 hours light, = more growth and consistent temps with light on?


some strains can handle the cold and some cant, you would have to research your strain online

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Where are your pics mate? Always helps with plant problems, I checked your journal and could not really find any neither except for some far away shots.


I would guess they are still suffering from heat stress, it really does stunt them and slow them down a lot; might take a while for them to get going again. For your new seedlings maybe add a little perlite to your potting mix as well.


I agree with Pleb too, especially if it helps maintaining temps better, just keep the lights on 18/6 or 20/4. One 130w CFL is probably fine for seedlings as well, 2 seems overkill, until they start to get a bit of size.

Edited by Psychonaut
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Thanks for the replies everyone, I will get some new batteries for the camera on thursday and get some close up shots, But I almost felt like eating my words this morning as they have seem to have grown in the last 24 hrs yesterday I gave them a drink of weak worm juice & mirical grow and finally got around to adding the fan and they have grown some what overnight? maybe iy was a bit of heat stress in the fridge and temp extremes nut there seems to be some action now I will resarch the afghani online pics later in the week


Afghan is a well known variety worldwide.

Originally taken from Afghanistan, it was cultivated in Holland.

The plant produces round fat leaves and fat buds, with excellent yields and a high flower to leaf ratio.

Afghan shows excellent resistant to pests and disease.

It has rich, smooth hash like smoke with a numbing buzz.

Always one of the most popular strains with high levels of THC.








Indoor / Outdoor

TYPE Predominantly Indica <--------------------------------------------Smallish?



HARVEST End of Sep if outdoor

YIELD Up to 600g outdoor

Edited by Hotrod13
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