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The NCPIC Disscussion Thread

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Very interesting story. I found it informative. The speaker from Glasgow seemed to push for continuing the current drug laws with minor tweaks, which I can only simply disagree with on the count that you cannot turn a complete failure into success with minor alterations. The Amsterdam speaker I believe should be considered most on the account that he has experience with drug users as well as the added benefit of living in a country that has proven that a move to decriminalization or at least in the direction has worked.


I love how the Glasgow speaker asked for evidence of something that hasn't been tried yet, but the two others speakers were pushing for governments to at least discuss.

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I could probably dig deeper but I'm satisfied knowing what I do based on the information I've already found (I found a bit more which I didn't post) which, to me, confirms their close associations with the Pharmaceutical industry.


There is one question I would have for Jan and that is: Has any Pharmaceutical company, or other company acting on behalf of a Pharmaceutical company, ever paid her directly for any work done on behalf of the Pharmaceutical company?


If you've got 3 hours to spare, watch the following documentary (it's in 2 parts and each part is roughly 1.5 hours long):


The Marketing of Madness: The Truth About Psychotropic Drugs (Part 1/2)

The Marketing of Madness: The Truth About Psychotropic Drugs (Part 2/2)


Basically, it exposes the fraud of Psychology (ironically, Jan has a Bachelors on the subject) and Pharmaceuticals and how the entire industry is based around unscientifically provable 'diseases' and it's sole purpose of prescribing as many tablets as possible, to as many people as possible.


Unfortunately, I see the fraud of it all regulatory as my dad is a product of their making. He takes seventeen tablets daily (all to treat the symptoms of the other drugs he takes) and majority of the time he's a zombie.


And with comments such as:


  • "You're my cashcow"
  • "I'm not sure what the problem is. Try these tablets and see how it goes"


... from his 'psychiatrist' I just can't understand how he doesn't wake up to the lies he's being told.




Agree with alot of what you have to say but just a small point.........There is a HUGE difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist and to say that psychology is a fraud is completely and utterly wrong imo.


I also have a degree in Psychology so I believe I know a little on the subject...............all i am saying is dont let the ignorant views of a woman who is paid to always come to the same conclusionn and feed the community false information make you believe that she is basing her assertions on Psychology......she doesnt, her pay packet and boss decide her views.........

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Who is Jan's boss by the way? The current health minister? Whoever it is, they would be a more appropriate person to be directing questions to.


From what I found she is employed by the University of NSW and their major funding comes from the Health Department who in turn get massive 'gifts' (aka bribes - well, if they are anything like the Health Department in Perth they would, which I'm sure they are) from the pharmaceutical industry.

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Just finished reading all the posts in This Thread. Seems like all of the good posts are near the end which Jan hasn't answered.

See this is what I hate, once you throw the logical questions at people like her, they ignore it and cover it up with a lie.


Just face it guys, Australian government is the WORST. The way they acted towards Aboriginals is totally inhumane, not a SINGLE country released policies that ridiculous and racist such as the White Australia Policy. This agenda/attitude is still present today, and this is clearly reflected exactly in this thread right now.

It's all about politics and getting re-elected again. The government doesn't give two shits for anyone except themselves. They will keep saying lies and lies until they get supporters and votes. If they truly did care about the people, then they wouldn't be elected because the governments corrupt.

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^ very true. Why do we need a government? We may need a "body" to over see some things but we don't need them to invade every single aspect of our lives, sticking their tenticals into every pie. I have not required the government before for any decisions I made/make. If I have it would have been because of their failed policies anyway. We don't need them or anything really. Its the "clutter" in our lives that make us think we need them.....


As human we have lost so many basic instincts, they cloud our judgement and they love it... We are going backwards at a faster rate then we ever moved forward.

It must have been such a fluke that we even made it this far with out so much control in the past.


I am on the first asteroid out of here.


Bring Armegeddon tomorrow please. This would make me so happy. Flush it all away!

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