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The NCPIC Disscussion Thread

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Gday Jan & fellow OZ stoners :peace:


Ive been sitting here on the fence reading this thread Questions for the NCPIC since it was conceived and i can see a at least 2 flaws that need to be delt with if this thread is to go any where.....



I can understand that this is a touchy subject for most but i do not see that there is any reason for any insults to be targeted at all towards jan.. keep it civil please..



There is so many questions being asked to jan that im thinking it must be abit of a information over load for her and there should be a better way to do this..


I have no questions at moment since most have already been asked (but not answered) but i will say i think its in the best interest for the NCPIC to research all fields of cannabis intake, not just people that use it for recreational purposes but the medicinal value of our beloved plant..


Thoughts please...




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Before I get all pretentious and shit I'll just acknowledge that this is my first post and so clearly my involvement in this community is very limited.


I think Jan's involvement in this discussion has been of much value in suggesting why the government takes the views that they do on marijuana - the perceived side effects and social consequences marijuana use. I personally appreciate her involvement in the conversation, regardless of whatever views she has on marijuana use and whether or not they are correct. She clearly has to maintain a position that doesn't contradict the views of her organization, however incorrect they may or may not be. As she has stated that her organization has never had any role in government legislation regarding marijuana, she is not the right person to be bashing for ignorant laws and restrictions that the government imposes. Perhaps she could point us in the right direction to having an intelligent argument with someone that can have an actual influence on government legislation.


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I think Jan's involvement in this discussion has been of much value in suggesting why the government takes the views that they do on marijuana - the perceived side effects and social consequences marijuana use. I personally appreciate her involvement in the conversation, regardless of whatever views she has on marijuana use and whether or not they are correct. She clearly has to maintain a position that doesn't contradict the views of her organization, however incorrect they may or may not be. As she has stated that her organization has never had any role in government legislation regarding marijuana, she is not the right person to be bashing for ignorant laws and restrictions that the government imposes. Perhaps she could point us in the right direction to having an intelligent argument with someone that can have an actual influence on government legislation.



Good post, I completely agree with you.

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It seems like Jan is being swamped here...


Her organization irritates me, but I ignore it. I use Cannabis moderately, I don't have a problem with it, and the fact that its illegal annoys me.


I don't understand why people feel the need to confront her, its like my ex best friend who is now a Christian, I gave up long ago arguing with him.


I don't smoke marijuana to get stoned anymore, I just smoke it, typically every second day, because doing so is the only effective thing I have ever discovered (I have been on basically ALL the medications) that helps my depression. I stopped marijuana a couple of times due to pressure from friends etc, and I said "why do I need it?", but I soon found myself seriously contemplating ending my life. Every day the darkness in my mind would grow and grow, I'd become paralyzed in this cloud of dark despair and horror. There was no doctor or service that could help me, I was going downhill to a seriously bad place. I know for a fact I would have ended up killing myself. No, I am better off being a moderate cannabis user. I don't know why it stops the depression from taking me over, and I don't advocate it for anybody else to use for depression, but it does work for me. Also I have seen definite cases where marijuana has been a useful tool to help serious alcoholics get off the booze.


Anyway all I wanted to say is I truly use Marijuana for medical reasons, not for enjoyment, personally the "stoned" feeling doesn't do anything for me, I am bored with it. I don't even advocate it to anybody else, I keep it a quite private thing. But it makes my blood boil that I have to worry about the police etc, and that even if a doctor does think marijuana is justified and helpful in my situation, I am still not allowed legally to have it. I truly believe marijuana should be treated as a medical issue, and not a legal issue.

Edited by MongyMan
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Yes back again. I can only say again that medicinal use of cannabis is a specialist topic area and I am not a medical doctor. NCPIC is also not funded to deal with medicinal cannabis so that is why we don't comment on it in any detail except if I am asked in live media interviews but I make c;ear I am not expert in this complex area.


No one would be happier than me if there was a cure for breast cancer with no side effects which is rather different to cancer cells in a laboratory.

- my reputation is based on my scientific credentials alone not on media or other bumph



Sativex is not synthetic it is a botanical extract of the whole plant but with known levels of THC & CBD and hopefully after testing will be available at a reasonably price


See, this is the problem Jan, people like you, with very little credentials, talking out your arse, helping make our lives a misery by championing a law that is so far out of pace with society it's laughable.

What the hell is the difference between cannabis and Sativex then other than the fact the THC & CBD levels are 'known' wtf? Are you serious?

How many people do you have to dismiss in this forum as not benefitting from the use of cannabis before you get it through your thick head that it is helpful to many many hundreds of thousands of Australians. Are you really that pig headed? or does your job require you to keep your head in the sand?


Have you ever spoken to someone with MS and asked how it helps with the unbearable spasms? Hmmmm?

Ever asked a recovering alcoholic how cannabis saved their sanity/life?

Have you spoken to anyone with debilitating pain on prescription opiates how cannabis use has cut down their opiate intake?

Have you spoken to anyone with Schizophrenia and asked how it helps them cut down their use of anti psychotics?

Ever stopped to consider the end result of the hundreds of thousand who chose to live peacefully after their home has been invaded and wrecked and left branded a criminal?


I bet you haven't.





Get out of here Jan your a middle class welfare recipient and you make me sick. If you'd really like to do something useful please be sure to give back all the money you've earnt at our expense :sick

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Just as some people shouldn't eat penuts or have gluten in their diet. Some people shouldn't smoke pot.... It must be understood that canabis prohibition doesn't work (Reinarman, Cohen, PeKaal, Hendrien, 2004) and costs taxpayers rediculous amounts of money every year.





Reinarman, Cohen, PeKaal, Hendrien, 2004, The Limited Relevance of Drug Policy: Cannabis in Amsterdam and in San Francisco. American Journal of Public Health May2004, Vol. 94 Issue 5, p836 7p.


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Jan isn't interested in any of the points raised, she thinks she knows it all already.

As for telling it like it is, everyone has their own opinions and I'm not blowing wind up her arse over an issue that has cost us so much in our lives. I think she is arrogant and stupid, probably about the same opinion she has of me.

Edited by darryl d
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