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After chopping, I hung my plants for about a week or so, after that I put one plant in to paper bags and the other I let hang for longer as I was worried about mold. It turns out the one I let hang longer dried out to fast.


The plant that went into the lass jars first is a great smoke and getting better all the time, its smooth and burns really nice (doesn't go out every toke). The other is much more harsh and quite brittle but still has agood stone.


I have heard of putting them in the freezer once well cured to preserve them but not while you are curing. The curing process as I understand it is the dry the plants as slow as possible but if they were in the freezer then wouldn't it stall any curring?

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If your buds are a decent size and have just overdried on the outside, you may find sealing them up in an airtight container will re-moisten them. If they are over dried all the way through you can put a piece of lemon or orange peel, or anything really that contains a bit of moisture in the airtight container with them to remoisten.
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Guest weekprik

So curing is actually the drying process not the aging (like wine) process??

I thought you cured after the buds were dry? lol


on remoistening the buds, what about putting fresh bud or leaf with the overdry bud? would osmosis cause the dry to suck from the wet??

or a very fine spraying of water on them??

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yes putting fresh plant material in with your overdried bud would work I'm guessing. I'd only use a little leaf though, sealing up fresh bud is never a good idea.


spraying with water would not be good I reckon, you don't want it to be wet, just absorb a little moisture. thats asking for mould IMO.

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Guest weekprik
spraying with water would not be good I reckon, you don't want it to be wet, just absorb a little moisture. thats asking for mould IMO.


yeah make sure you dont wet the buds, just a very light spray on each side then make sure you vent like it wet again, otherwise like pipeman said Mould will happen, and that means wasted buds.

like wise with the fresh stuff, always make sure you let the fresh stuff stay fresh, ie take out leaf after a day and put fresh stuff in,


MOULD will happen if you wet and seal, I think dampen and ventilate.

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Guest Wilderbud

I knew a guy who used to bury his personal weed in 1Kg mason jars then take a quarter out of it to smoke each week. It was only personal he done like this and it was always the best weed you could smoke [i got some of it when he couldnt score commercial and it was from here that I tasted custard buds]. I busted him shaking some dirt off once and he told me he was curing it and I was going to very happy with the weed. :o


Im definately going to bury any excess [anything that I cant smoke in one week] and hope it works good [my mason jar is being prepped to be light and air tight]. lol

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Guest weekprik
make sure a dog doesnt dig it up though, My mate who also always buries his stash lost some to a dog once lol, well he reakons it was his dog, I reakon someone knew where he buried it.
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Guest Wilderbud

Haha, Id have to beat my dog with a stick if he done that.


One time he found a bong [an embarassing Gateraid bong wirh air leaks, bit stem and foil cone] that I left next to the fire pit and he put it at the front door for everyone to see - doh! Luckilly anyone who seen it already knew I smoked weed - I was embarassed about the lame bing mostly. lol

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