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Root rot.

Root rot fungi cause roots to turn from a healthy white to light brown. As the rot progresses, roots turn darker and darker brown. Leaf chlorosis is followed by wilting of the older leaves on the entire plant and growth slows.

When severe rot progresses up to the base of the plant stock, turning it dark. Root rot is most common when roots are deprived of oxygen and stand in un-aerated water. Soil pests that cut, suck and chew roots create openings for rotting diseases to enter.

From the "Growers Bible"


Have a look at the root mass for darkening.


Not nice seeing someones efforts go down the toilet. Sympathy.


On the positive side. You can always grow another plant.

Good luck.

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I'm wid you Billo and Brick =) . Yeah, think i had a container of over heated H&G R/e that I use and all the good bacteria dies, when I transplanted outside I noticed the roots were not on the healthy white side and were as Brick described.

Usually the R/e will hold the root disease at bay but this time not................. might be time for a new batch for me...........:whistle:

You might be able to save them with a good product that isolates the diseased roots from the healthy roots by providing good bacteria and a film to prevent spread of disease. I think there are quite a few different products out there but most will need to be kept between 7 and 30 degrees to keep the bacteria and other goodies alive. Learnt the hard way :whistle:

Hope you get on top of it man. :peace: Gh72

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I'm just new to this but have been reading heaps for ages and I read about nutrient lock? Does anyone else know about it? Maybe google it see what you can find I'm probably wrong but just throwing it out there for you


Prettiwylde: Nutrient Lockout just refers to your PH. Nutrients are available at different PH levels. This is why in hydropponics we want our PH to shift from the lowest range to highest range before bringing it down again. If you just sit on 5.5 to 5.7 eventually your plants will show signs of Magnesium and Potassium deficiencies, due to the fact, those elements arn't available at those PH levels.




This looks like wilting due to under watering to me. I have done this a few timees, usually a good watering will bring them back. But thats not happening. Your definatly not over watering. There are no signs of deficiencies.


How do you check your PH? And how much runoff (in a percentage to how much you put in)


Off gassing has come up just the other day actually, usually a yellowing is associated with some kind of air pollution.


I would have a dig, and look at the roots, if they are brown and gunky you know its some kind of root rot. You can use natural organisms, but its a bit too late for that with only 2 and a half weeks to go. You can use H202 to clean the roots and kill any badies(fast way).


I feel bad man, we have all been there. I really hope you get on top of it. Good luck.



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ok i finally did the dirty deed and ripped up the worst plant. I harvested what I could off it, just wondering is it alright to smoke? I mean the buds are fairly well formed its just I didn't have a chance to flush this so it would be full of nutrients and chems?



Anyways, I pulled the root ball apart and the roots looked fine except for a few which were a bit brown. But looking at the soil there were thousands of tiny white bugs crawling all through it. Best description i can give:



about 0.5-1mm long

they crawl and have heaps of little legs

oval caterpillar shaped bodies

looked like they had little ridges going horizontally along its back


They look a bit like termites but i don't think they are??


I've done some searching, I ruled out fungus gnats because I looked at the larvae and they look don't look like these bugs, although they were all through the soil in a 30L pot. I thinking they may either be thrips, or possibly soil mites?? There are heaps of threads on tiny white bugs in soil but nothing seems to fully match my description.


I found a video on youtube which looks very similar to the problem I'm having however I can't see them really close up so can't confirm.



I;'ve got two plants left they are still looking great with nice big buds but I'm now worried that these things will get hungry again and go for my good plants!!

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You should have taken a photo of the bugs. I hope you sort this out soon. I would be identifying the bugs and taking preventative measures before it strts happening with your other plants.


It would be alright to smoke. Just dry and cure as per usual. Or you could make butter or oil, no need to cure then.



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