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So bongs are now band in your state what dose this mean to you

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Ok im from Victoria, so its been announced that Ted the shriveled scrotum Baillieu has decided to launch a war on bongs and pipes because he believes in some deluded way this will stop people from smoking weed(i duno what ted is smoking but i want some, would help be belie their bullshit). So what dose this mean for us Victorians? Other states have adopted this stupid law but what i ask is being state law and not federal law, will customs care its coming into the country if i were to buy a glass bong from out of state or from the USA/UK?

Things like seeds, guns, explosives ect fall under federal law so they are stopped immediately when detected by customs but will the stop a bong being sent to Victoria?

If anyone knows the true answer or if some one from a state where bongs are illegal could comment on their experiences it would be much appreciated........i don't wanna go back to the orchi bottle..................................ever!



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It just blows my mind how narrow minded and delusional our state's elected leader is. To actually believe that banning bongs and pipes will actually stop people from smoking weed is just ridiculous. Firstly making a homemade bong is one of the easiest things to do, personally I love em, I currently use a gatorade bottle with a metal down pipe and cone piece. If you can't make a gomemade billy, just cut an old milk jug in half and turn it into a gravity bong by mixing it with your sink!! Second of all, it seems that Ted cuntface's mind set is that by banning bongs will make us think "Oh shit this whole time i've been smoking bongs? WTF it's illegal what was I thinking. I shall never touch that devil plant again." fuck that oh it's a tiny bit harder to smoke a bong in VIC, oh wait i'll just roll a joint or fuck it I'll cook a pot cake hold up I'll make some tea. Epic sigh.


Man up Teddy and stop passing bullshit laws to keep the sheep of victoria busy. Where are the laws making it harder to acquire pharmaceuticals, I live in an extremely wealthy community and I see it over run with pharmaceuticals, youngs kids love doing em around here and they are everywhere! Australia is in a pill epidemic, but always the talk get's diverted back to Marijuana. Man up teddy, MAN UP!!!



Sorry about my stoned ramblings, just my 2 cents. (I know it probably doesn't make much sense but i may have had a bit to drink also.)

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Its a whole load a BS fuck I get sick of these do-gooder close minded pricks whose sole aim in life seems to be to protect us from ourselves FUCK OFF if i wanna smoke dope (I do), drink piss (I do), and take drugs (sometimes I do) I would like to do it without the reprecussions (that i already am aware of) being shoved down my throat.

Anyway I prefer powerade bottle bongs for the simple reason that glass ones have a nasty habit of breaking when dropped usually halfway through a sesh leading to calls of oh fuck the bongs broken, Lord, Howe? Will a digereedoo? MmMmMmMmMmMmMm Maybe itll have to.

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Yup i cant agree more with most of u, i so hope that the cops just turn a blind eye and i can still buy a glass bong or order it form the states or europe

My worry is that customs might seize my latest piece in glass art ordered from the states cos its a bong! I think ill try my hand at ordering a cheap crap bong from the states if it makes it through i know the laws ted the cuntface out in place are worthless and keep about my merry way

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