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Help Troubleshooting please.

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G'day peeps,


Just looking for advice and a diagnosis if possible. I got a few plants that a looking a little bit ill. Not on their death beds or anything, but I'd like to stop the problem before it progresses further.


Pictures speak a thousand words:




Basically some of the mature fan leaves have this yellow discoloration. It effects up to 1/3 of the entire plant. It doesn't effect any recent growth.


Could it be nute burn? I feed with a homemade seaweed solution ~weekly, so I guess it's possible I'm overdosing them. Any ideas on a deficiency?


Also, another plant is suffering from this as well:



Any suggestions would be most apreciated. :peace:

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I'm no expert, sawyer, but it could possibly be nitrogen def??? Has itrained a lot where you are? If so then perhaps the nutes have been leached out of the soil...perhaps???


Hit it with a good dose of Thrive. Seaweed is more of a soil conditioner than a balanced feed

Edited by mungas
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probably absorbed all the nitrogen form soil

or with the rains of late may have leeched it as nitrogen is water soluble

id be dosing with a balanced nutrient mix

i find soil plants generally exhaust the nutes in the soil about 5 weeks into it

maybe next time pack the soil with worm castings and some other ammendments

but for the time being id be foliar feeding til ic an sort a balanced feed

all the best


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sorry man, i didnt see this thread....

hope you`ve already fixed em by the time ya read this lol


the fellas have hit the nail on the head...its N deficient

my guess would be because it has shitloads of foliage, which imo would make the plant require more food :scratchin:


what would i do :scratchin:


......................................supersauce em :thumbsup:




good luck mate,



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Thanks for the replies guys.


I went out today and bought myself a flashy new digital pH tester. I guess every grower needs one in their arsenal.


A quick test on a soil sample I brought home the other night shows a reading of 7.1. That's slightly alkaline, and looks like it might be a source of some of my problems. Optimum pH for soil is meant to be a few points lower.


I'm gonna go test the rest of my soil beds and see what sort of results I get. Giving 'em a dose of some N prob wouldn't hurt either.

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