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1.) How many times has the "War on Drugs" won what is set out to do? and how much has it cost the tax payer so far to continue this so called war?


2.) What percentage of violent crimes are associated with cannabis?


3.) How much of the courts time expressed as a % is tied up with prosecution of cannabis crime in comparison to other crimes and what is the cost to the tax payer?


4.) How much of the cannabis black market profits are used as funding for organized crime or ever terrorism?


5.) How many people are admitted to hospital per year as a result of cannabis over doses?


6.) If cannabis is as bad as we are led to belive then why do we have so many people still functioning in society after decades of use?


7.) If smoking paraphernalia were made illegal do you believe that this would curve the rates of use if so do you think that all plastic bottles and garden hoses should be also banned?


8.) Would you rather a violent alcoholic as a next door neighbor or someone that grew a under 4 cannabis plants for personal use?



i think i could keep going but my lunch brake is almost up :P



There some good points that haven't and need to be recognised, nice work :applause:

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I dunno if these questions are relevant, ... they`re just some i would like to hammer a pig with if i had em on the stand lol


Do you consider cannabis to be dangerous?


Did you come into contact with the cannabis? and if so, do you feel like your health is at risk?


Have you seen a doctor about coming into contact with the cannabis?...if not, why not?


Do you think people can be effected by standing close to cannabis? ... if so, what effects do you think the person will encounter?...also, what do consider to be a safe distance in order to be out of range of those said effects?


Are you a botanist?


Are you aware of the "Single convention on narcotic drugs 1961"?


Do you know the definition of cannabis under that convention?


Have you ever consumed or smoked cannabis...(reminding them that they`re under oath)...if so, when? why? and can you describe the effects you felt?




these questions are more for the general public...


Do you think cannabis is currently too expensive?


If cannabis is legalized, will you grow it?....and why?


Does prohibition stop you from using cannabis?


Would you prefer cannabis to common prescription medication? if so....why?


Do you tell your doctor you use cannabis for medication? if not...why?


Do you know any other people who use cannabis for medication?


Are you violent and/or aggressive when you use cannabis?


Are you calm when you use cannabis?


Do you think there should be an age limit for consuming/smoking/vaporising cannabis?


What age do you consider "safe" to consume/smoke/vaporise cannabis?



Thats the whack for now......im sure there a million more out there :rolleyes:




Good thread m8 :thumbsup:

Me :punk:

Edited by Chronmasta
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Wow, okay i am kind of upset that i have discovered this forum thread bahahaha, i have given this topic MUCH consideration .... I am a huge advocate and am in constant debate with anti-pot swine. When i have the time i am going to add an extremely long speel that covers all of the questions all with a suitable of depth... I wont go too overboard ... as i tend to love a ramble :)


Peace n potivity (what the hell lol ?)

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do u think marijuana will decrease alcohol consumption? and cause a downward slide on the liquor/gambling premises..


will marijunana stimulate the economy?


will marijuana create new jobs?


what are the Pros and Cons of criminalisation?....


what are the Pros and Cons of Legalisation?....


do you think if marijuana is legalised we will all turn into demotivated Rastarafarians?


how many people can u say have been negatively affected by marijuana?


have you ever had sex while high? if not... why not?

Edited by konflikt
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I looked around and all the threads i found relating to questions were about growing, i figure we need one for the activists.


What i think we need to do is start by covering all the bases. I see a lot of people answering the questions and problems as they come which is good but I think it would be really helpful if we could see a list of all the possible questions that the anti-smokers, or whoever else out there, might throw up laid out in front of us first and then go through them one-by-one.


For example....


1. Why should we legalise cannabis?

2. Who would this benefit?

3. What about the children?

4. What are the harmful effects?


so what i would like people to do is start posting just the questions without any answers or solutions, even if it's a question that's already been posted but worded differently because they will do that to just to catch us out. As we go through i will collect all the questions from all the pages and repost them in one big post so we can watch them accumulate and to help prevent us getting stuck on the same questions needlessly.


So just to recap, post any question that might be asked, is currently being asked, or is going to be asked but please NO ANSWERS OR SOLUTIONS etc just yet. Once we have our all encompassing list then we move on...


also if someone feels they can better define or improve on my suggestion then feel free to let me know.




Bundy B. Bear :P



EDIT: All future questions can be either FOR or AGAINST. depending on your feelings =D


Hi Great thread,

Konflict and Sylar have pretty much asked what i would??

But i would really love to give this some thought and try to add something constructive, even if as you suggested, worded differently. I do not believe in prohibition or censorship of any kind. It's akin to "Burning the Books"

I have a "done" clinic up the street from me and it's totally legal?? WTF?? Yet the dog squad hit every local pub every weekend and stand at the top of the station stairs on a friday arvo with the dogs waiting for some poor bugger going home after a shit week at work, for a few cones and to chill, usually with less than 2g on them and they've got nowhere to go but straight up to the waiting dog squad.. This is worse than Stasi Germany.. We have no rights for smoking what mother nature has provided.. This is what is criminal, NOT US

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Got a few more not sure if they have been asked yet but pleas ingonre them if i restate them


9.) If cannabis were taxed and regulated do you think the illegal market for the product would disappear? if not why?


10.)do your belive that regulation of cannabis would made it harder for the young people to acquire if it were sold alongside alcohol?


11.) Do you agree as a tax payer that money could be better spent on education and health care rather than persecution of people that grow cannabis for there own use?


12.) If cannabis is worth $20 per gram on the street what do you belive the cost of a gram would be if it were legal would it go up or down? and why?


13.)Hypothetically speaking you caught your child with an illicit drugs would you rather that drug to be a) speed b)meth c)cocaine d)cannabis e)heroin f)ecstasy g)LSD ? and why?


14.)When prescribed a drug by a doctor do you ask or read into the side effect associated with said drug or go you trust his opinion?


15.)Have you ever considered cannabis to be a medicine?


16.)Have you or someone you loved ever suffered from a condition from which cannabis could have offered some relief or bettered the quality of life at the time?


17.)If cannabis were legal where would you like to see it sold from, a shop purposely set up for such or alongside alcohol and cigarettes?


18.)If you are a non user of cannabis would it being legal compel or drive you to try it? is so why


19.)what do you believe would have to change in the public's eye before you can see a move towards legalization?


20.)Should all drugs be made legal or at least regulated to prevent youth from getting a hold of them and to slash the huge profits made by cartel and organized crime?


against cannabis (well what i usualy hear or what tripe i would expect to hear from an anti pot person, this is hard to do with out taking the piss)


1.)Making cannabis legal will just mean there will be more people using a drug that we don't fully understand its effects on the body


2.) Do you think that legalizing cannabis would really stop the black market for it considering cigarettes are legal but people still by chop chop from markets?


3.) Why do you think we need another drug being made legal so it can damage the youth of this country?


4.)Have you ever seen a person when they are high? the look scary


5.)There is no evidence that if cannabis were legal the use amongst young people would decline




Ill put some more up in a few days but keen to see what you guys think

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Got a few more not sure if they have been asked yet but pleas ingonre them if i restate them


9.) If cannabis were taxed and regulated do you think the illegal market for the product would disappear? if not why?


10.)do your belive that regulation of cannabis would made it harder for the young people to acquire if it were sold alongside alcohol?


11.) Do you agree as a tax payer that money could be better spent on education and health care rather than persecution of people that grow cannabis for there own use?


12.) If cannabis is worth $20 per gram on the street what do you belive the cost of a gram would be if it were legal would it go up or down? and why?


13.)Hypothetically speaking you caught your child with an illicit drugs would you rather that drug to be a) speed b)meth c)cocaine d)cannabis e)heroin f)ecstasy g)LSD ? and why?


14.)When prescribed a drug by a doctor do you ask or read into the side effect associated with said drug or go you trust his opinion?


15.)Have you ever considered cannabis to be a medicine?


16.)Have you or someone you loved ever suffered from a condition from which cannabis could have offered some relief or bettered the quality of life at the time?


17.)If cannabis were legal where would you like to see it sold from, a shop purposely set up for such or alongside alcohol and cigarettes?


18.)If you are a non user of cannabis would it being legal compel or drive you to try it? is so why


19.)what do you believe would have to change in the public's eye before you can see a move towards legalization?


20.)Should all drugs be made legal or at least regulated to prevent youth from getting a hold of them and to slash the huge profits made by cartel and organized crime?


against cannabis (well what i usualy hear or what tripe i would expect to hear from an anti pot person, this is hard to do with out taking the piss)


1.)Making cannabis legal will just mean there will be more people using a drug that we don't fully understand its effects on the body


2.) Do you think that legalizing cannabis would really stop the black market for it considering cigarettes are legal but people still by chop chop from markets?


3.) Why do you think we need another drug being made legal so it can damage the youth of this country?


4.)Have you ever seen a person when they are high? the look scary


5.)There is no evidence that if cannabis were legal the use amongst young people would decline




Ill put some more up in a few days but keen to see what you guys think



This already ready reads like a great survey for this site :thumbsup: .. Maybe post it as a survey and get members to answer ALL QUESTIONS HONESTLY, no fibbing we all know some people should never touch alcohol and some should never touch drugs as they can act as a trigger for underlying medical conditions, then ask friends and family.. results might assist in helping to disprove so many myths associated with smokers.. just an opinion :peace:

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ok wow that really took off... this is great guys, the best way we to win is to answer the questions before they ask them :)

i know we have a lot of questions so far but if we could get more that would be great. In my mind if this were argued in court they would be asking lots more questions ( i could be wrong, stranger things have happened)

not sure if there any mistakes in here yet but let me know if you see one.


I also like the idea of some kind of survey so when i have time later in the day i might see what i can work out. :D unless of course there already is one or you guys have something in mind.



Anyway here's the list so far...


1. Why does using cannabis, any form (smoke, vape, eat, oil) make me a criminal?

2. What are the mental health risks, its known to cause schitzophrenia?

3. Why legalize a substance which some say is a gateway to harder drugs

4. Why should Cannabis and the users/producers of Cannabis be illegalised/demonised while much more harmful drugs (eg alcohol, tobacco) and their users/producers are legal, regulated, and taxed?

5. Would it be beneficial to tax payers if marijuana were legalised?

6. What has criminalisation of marijuana achieved?

7. If it were to remain illegal what is hoped to be achieved?

8. Do u believe a man has the right to choose his own medicine?

9. Do you believe marijuana has been studied extensively enough for medical purposes?

10. Does marijuana affect people differently? beneficial for some.. harmful for others..and if so are the lives that can be enhanced by medical and recreational marijuana being discriminated upon because of the minority?

11. What are the negative side effects of marijuana compared to legalised recreational and medical substances..

12. Do u believe marijuanas medical benefits are being neglected?

13. If you could have a medical marijuana clinic/. Marijuana coffe shop or a legalised brothel move in next door to you family which would you prefer?

14. If marijuana was legalised and every one that was able to grew there own. Would marijuana hold its $$value?

15. How many times has the "War on Drugs" won what is set out to do? and how much has it cost the tax payer so far to continue this so called war?

16. What percentage of violent crimes are associated with cannabis?

17. How much of the courts time expressed as a % is tied up with prosecution of cannabis crime in comparison to other crimes and what is the cost to the tax payer?

18. How much of the cannabis black market profits are used as funding for organized crime or ever terrorism?

19. How many people are admitted to hospital per year as a result of cannabis over doses?

20. If cannabis is as bad as we are led to belive then why do we have so many people still functioning in society after decades of use?

21. If smoking paraphernalia were made illegal do you believe that this would curve the rates of use if so do you think that all plastic bottles and garden hoses should be also banned?

22. Would you rather a violent alcoholic as a next door neighbor or someone that grew a under 4 cannabis plants for personal use?

23. Do you consider cannabis to be dangerous?

24. Did you come into contact with the cannabis? and if so, do you feel like your health is at risk?

25. Have you seen a doctor about coming into contact with the cannabis?...if not, why not?

26. Do you think people can be effected by standing close to cannabis? ...

27. If so, what effects do you think the person will encounter?

28. What do consider to be a safe distance in order to be out of range of those said effects?

29. Are you aware of the "Single convention on narcotic drugs 1961"?

30. Do you know the definition of cannabis under that convention?

31. Do you think cannabis is currently too expensive?

32. If cannabis is legalized, will you grow it?....and why?

33. Does prohibition stop you from using cannabis?

34. Would you prefer cannabis to common prescription medication? if so....why?

35. Do you tell your doctor you use cannabis for medication? if not...why?

36. Do you know any other people who use cannabis for medication?

37. Are you violent and/or aggressive when you use cannabis?

38. Are you calm when you use cannabis?

38. Do you think there should be an age limit for consuming/smoking/vaporising cannabis?

39. What age do you consider "safe" to consume/smoke/vaporise cannabis?

40. Do u think marijuana will decrease alcohol consumption? and cause a downward slide on the liquor/gambling premises..

41. Will marijunana stimulate the economy?

42. Will marijuana create new jobs?

43. What are the Pros and Cons of criminalisation?....

44. What are the Pros and Cons of Legalisation?....

45. Do you think if marijuana is legalised we will all turn into demotivated Rastarafarians?

46. How many people can u say have been negatively affected by marijuana?

47. Have you ever had sex while high? if not... why not?

48. If cannabis were taxed and regulated do you think the illegal market for the product would disappear? if not why?

49. Do your belive that regulation of cannabis would made it harder for the young people to acquire if it were sold alongside alcohol?

50. Do you agree as a tax payer that money could be better spent on education and health care rather than persecution of people that grow cannabis for there own use?

51. If cannabis is worth $20 per gram on the street what do you belive the cost of a gram would be if it were legal would it go up or down? and why?

52. Hypothetically speaking you caught your child with an illicit drugs would you rather that drug to be a) speed b)meth c)cocaine d)cannabis e)heroin f)ecstasy g)LSD ? and why?

53. When prescribed a drug by a doctor do you ask or read into the side effect associated with said drug or go you trust his opinion?

54. Have you ever considered cannabis to be a medicine?

55. Have you or someone you loved ever suffered from a condition from which cannabis could have offered some relief or bettered the quality of life at the time?

56. If cannabis were legal where would you like to see it sold from, a shop purposely set up for such or alongside alcohol and cigarettes?

57. If you are a non user of cannabis would it being legal compel or drive you to try it? is so why

58. What do you believe would have to change in the public's eye before you can see a move towards legalization?

59. Should all drugs be made legal or at least regulated to prevent youth from getting a hold of them and to slash the huge profits made by cartel and organized crime?

60. Do you think that legalizing cannabis would really stop the black market for it considering cigarettes are legal but people still by chop chop from markets?

61. Why do you think we need another drug being made legal so it can damage the youth of this country?



Keep up the good work.




EDIT: open questions are a plus (more than a yes or no answer)

Edited by Bundy
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ok wow that really took off... this is great guys, the best way we to win is to answer the questions before they ask them :)

i know we have a lot of questions so far but if we could get more that would be great. In my mind if this were argued in court they would be asking lots more questions ( i could be wrong, stranger things have happened)

not sure if there any mistakes in here yet but let me know if you see one.


I also like the idea of some kind of survey so when i have time later in the day i might see what i can work out. :D unless of course there already is one or you guys have something in mind.



Anyway here's the list so far...


1. Why does using cannabis, any form (smoke, vape, eat, oil) make me a criminal?

2. What are the mental health risks, its known to cause schitzophrenia?

3. Why legalize a substance which some say is a gateway to harder drugs

4. Why should Cannabis and the users/producers of Cannabis be illegalised/demonised while much more harmful drugs (eg alcohol, tobacco) and their users/producers are legal, regulated, and taxed?

5. Would it be beneficial to tax payers if marijuana were legalised?

6. What has criminalisation of marijuana achieved?

7. If it were to remain illegal what is hoped to be achieved?

8. Do u believe a man has the right to choose his own medicine?

9. Do you believe marijuana has been studied extensively enough for medical purposes?

10. Does marijuana affect people differently? beneficial for some.. harmful for others..and if so are the lives that can be enhanced by medical and recreational marijuana being discriminated upon because of the minority?

11. What are the negative side effects of marijuana compared to legalised recreational and medical substances..

12. Do u believe marijuanas medical benefits are being neglected?

13. If you could have a medical marijuana clinic/. Marijuana coffe shop or a legalised brothel move in next door to you family which would you prefer?

14. If marijuana was legalised and every one that was able to grew there own. Would marijuana hold its $$value?

15. How many times has the "War on Drugs" won what is set out to do? and how much has it cost the tax payer so far to continue this so called war?

16. What percentage of violent crimes are associated with cannabis?

17. How much of the courts time expressed as a % is tied up with prosecution of cannabis crime in comparison to other crimes and what is the cost to the tax payer?

18. How much of the cannabis black market profits are used as funding for organized crime or ever terrorism?

19. How many people are admitted to hospital per year as a result of cannabis over doses?

20. If cannabis is as bad as we are led to belive then why do we have so many people still functioning in society after decades of use?

21. If smoking paraphernalia were made illegal do you believe that this would curve the rates of use if so do you think that all plastic bottles and garden hoses should be also banned?

22. Would you rather a violent alcoholic as a next door neighbor or someone that grew a under 4 cannabis plants for personal use?

23. Do you consider cannabis to be dangerous?

24. Did you come into contact with the cannabis? and if so, do you feel like your health is at risk?

25. Have you seen a doctor about coming into contact with the cannabis?...if not, why not?

26. Do you think people can be effected by standing close to cannabis? ...

27. If so, what effects do you think the person will encounter?

28. What do consider to be a safe distance in order to be out of range of those said effects?

29. Are you aware of the "Single convention on narcotic drugs 1961"?

30. Do you know the definition of cannabis under that convention?

31. Do you think cannabis is currently too expensive?

32. If cannabis is legalized, will you grow it?....and why?

33. Does prohibition stop you from using cannabis?

34. Would you prefer cannabis to common prescription medication? if so....why?

35. Do you tell your doctor you use cannabis for medication? if not...why?

36. Do you know any other people who use cannabis for medication?

37. Are you violent and/or aggressive when you use cannabis?

38. Are you calm when you use cannabis?

38. Do you think there should be an age limit for consuming/smoking/vaporising cannabis?

39. What age do you consider "safe" to consume/smoke/vaporise cannabis?

40. Do u think marijuana will decrease alcohol consumption? and cause a downward slide on the liquor/gambling premises..

41. Will marijunana stimulate the economy?

42. Will marijuana create new jobs?

43. What are the Pros and Cons of criminalisation?....

44. What are the Pros and Cons of Legalisation?....

45. Do you think if marijuana is legalised we will all turn into demotivated Rastarafarians?

46. How many people can u say have been negatively affected by marijuana?

47. Have you ever had sex while high? if not... why not?

48. If cannabis were taxed and regulated do you think the illegal market for the product would disappear? if not why?

49. Do your belive that regulation of cannabis would made it harder for the young people to acquire if it were sold alongside alcohol?

50. Do you agree as a tax payer that money could be better spent on education and health care rather than persecution of people that grow cannabis for there own use?

51. If cannabis is worth $20 per gram on the street what do you belive the cost of a gram would be if it were legal would it go up or down? and why?

52. Hypothetically speaking you caught your child with an illicit drugs would you rather that drug to be a) speed b)meth c)cocaine d)cannabis e)heroin f)ecstasy g)LSD ? and why?

53. When prescribed a drug by a doctor do you ask or read into the side effect associated with said drug or go you trust his opinion?

54. Have you ever considered cannabis to be a medicine?

55. Have you or someone you loved ever suffered from a condition from which cannabis could have offered some relief or bettered the quality of life at the time?

56. If cannabis were legal where would you like to see it sold from, a shop purposely set up for such or alongside alcohol and cigarettes?

57. If you are a non user of cannabis would it being legal compel or drive you to try it? is so why

58. What do you believe would have to change in the public's eye before you can see a move towards legalization?

59. Should all drugs be made legal or at least regulated to prevent youth from getting a hold of them and to slash the huge profits made by cartel and organized crime?

60. Do you think that legalizing cannabis would really stop the black market for it considering cigarettes are legal but people still by chop chop from markets?

61. Why do you think we need another drug being made legal so it can damage the youth of this country?



Keep up the good work.




EDIT: open questions are a plus (more than a yes or no answer)

Hey guys,

I'm doing the survey lol.. Got some way thru' but it's breaky :sdj: time so will continue rest of answers after lunch.. OK here goes..

1 Why does using cannabis, any form (smoke, vape, eat, oil) make me a criminal?

It doesn’t and I’m NOT

2. What are the mental health risks, its known to cause schizophrenia?

Pot doesn’t cause schizophrenia, it can only trigger the imbalance that is already there, which is why it is better, particularly for guys,( NOT being sexist, this is verifiable fact) not to smoke before they are 16-18 as this is the most crucial time for their natural body chemicals to find balance.. EG: getting all that testosterone under control lol

3. Why legalize a substance which some say is a gateway to harder drugs

If this were a valid statement, they would have to start banning cigarettes first, as i had my first ciggy at 9 and didn’t start smoking pot til i was 11 lol

4. Why should Cannabis and the users/producers of Cannabis be illegalised/demonised while much more harmful drugs (eg alcohol, tobacco) and their users/producers are legal, regulated, and taxed?

Because we can’t grow or brew commercial quantities of pot like they can alcohol and tobacco, so there is no tax revenue raised for the government.

5. Would it be beneficial to tax payers if marijuana were legalised

Hell YEAH, savings in court time and administration, cost of gaoling criminals, ongoing costs of parole officers, etc etc etc

6. What has criminalisation of marijuana achieved?

Well during the eighties the cops made most of their extra $$ by onselling the drugs they busted.. I was there i KNOW this happened. It has made decent, honest generally law abiding citizens criminals

7. If it were to remain illegal what is hoped to be achieved?

Continued State control.. Think Stasi Germany. We have more laws and less rights as citizens than they did.. check it out!!

8. Do u believe a man has the right to choose his own medicine?

ABSOBLOODYLUTELY and so do we women lol

9. Do you believe marijuana has been studied extensively enough for medical purposes?

I think they are starting to, but they can't get the funding..

Hope this is helpful input


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