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Cannabis link to male fertility

Guest Urbanhog

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Anyone who thinks smoking pot doesn't effect your lungs is fooling themselves, especially if they mix it with tobacco, which adds to the heart disease risk. But what does that mean. My Grandad died of what were smoking related causes. He was an old man and hadn't smoked since the first world war. He was sick anyway, and possibly would have lived another year or two at the most. So to actually attribute his death to smoking is verging on a lie. Its not like you live forever.


Testosterone production is increased or decreased by all sorts of things. Backing down in an argument or fight decreases it, not backing down increases it. Going to war increases it in a population, (maybe thats why pollies like wars, helps them get it up).


The team found that in mice, cannabis may actually boost the amount of testosterone produced as a result of brain signals, but it reduces the amount produced by the testes. Dr Fowler said: "These two things could add together to have a serious negative impact on testosterone production.î


So pot could lower the amount of testosterone produced in your nads, but at the same time could increase the brains ability to increase testosterone production in your nads and the rest of your body.


Sounds like they could have said "smoking pot affects you" and been more accurate than saying "smoking pot lowers testosterone production."

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Another thought just popped in...


If pot consumption increases the brains ability to signal the body to increase testosterone production, then situations that naturally increase your bodies output of it (war, a fight, playing footy, sex, eating meat, especially juicy raw steaks yum) may be magnified with pot causing your body to produce more testosterone than it would normally.

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Ok let me try to sort out this mess out by giving you guys and girls some scientifically based opinion (Ref:Rang Dale Ritter Pharmacology 3rd Ed lots of info on mj and any other drug.) Reseach has shown mj causes as much as 50% decrease in males smoking 10 joints/week and decrease in plasma (blood) testosterone, there is a basis for this as there are CB receptors in the testes and this is not hype it has been established by a number of very reputible research institutes and then reviewed when published by the scientific community.


As for heavy smokers still fathering kids, 50% would be an extreme case were there was no tolerance to the drug and every persons reaction to a drug is different as would every mans prod. of testosterone and sperm so 10-30% decrease still leavs 70% min prod left and it only takes one....(IMO) But the good news is there is no long term adverse effects in respect to this side effect and if mj is stopped then it returns to normal (I have heard repeatedly)


AS for the girls well it looks like mj may upset their mestral cycle but this has not been proved in humans (different ref to one above)

Here are some very trustworthy links to sites on effects of mj esp. for medicinal use




And as for deaths related to mj WA health info centre repot 1998 reported no deaths from mj in 1991 or in 1996


Drug use stats link:




These linkks may have changed in the 4 years since I got these links but the NIH and the aust. drug foundation will still be on the web, probably.


IN respect to mj and mutantions in kids there is no correleation between either cancer or babys with deformaties from THC (ie not including route of admin and other byproducts from smoking) But thereis an increase in chromosonal breaks but this is not uniqe to mj so personnely I wouldn't worry unless I was a pregnant women becaus it would not be worth the risk in IMO.


I hope I have provided some hellpful info to mj users and in particular med mj users or ppl considering it. PM me if you want complete ref. for this info.


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