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My stem is thin and puny

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Hi all, again!


On my remaining seedling, the stem is growing up and up, but is really really thin and weak, I was wondering when it will start to thicken/strengthen? I didn't use a fan originally because the instructions I read when starting said that the plant can be tethered and it's better this way because it will put it's energy into developing buds instead of a thicker stem.


I think it's too late to start with a fan now, it would break the stem. I already had one broken, it was so sad, because it was growing so well and really shooting up. Then when I moved it, I must have shaken the soil or something because it snapped (not off but close enough, like someone pinched it with their fingernails) at a 90 degree angle right where the soil is. I propped it up but knew it was a goner. I have one remaining one, seems very healthy but I'm just worried about the stem because it's just so damn thin and weak. It is about 10 days old.




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Bollocks to the no fan info man, you don't have to blast them with air just enough to keep a little movement, this WILL strengthen the stems and will not decrease bud growth, you need a thicker stem to support your heavy kick ass buds later,I don't know who the noddy is who came up with that shit.

Sounds like they are stretching too much, either too far away from light or light is not strong enough but you don't give me much info to work with. Put a stake in next to it tie it gently to it, check your light and put a fan in there. Give some more info and maybe I can narrow it down a bit for ya. Good luck. GH72

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Thanks fellas,


I've been keeping them in a well-lit room with two open windows on two walls, so they get sunlight, either directly or indirectly from about 6am-6pm, and after that I turn on a (bright) halogen desk lamp and position it about 10cm above the plant for 4 hours. I'm afraid to tether it at the moment because it's still really really thin and I saw how easily the other one snapped, without me even touching it. Any ideas when it'll start to thicken/harden? BTW I got the info from an online book which was very in-depth, so I followed it best I could, looks like that was a mistake!


Do you think it's ok at this point in time to start with a fan, maybe from quite far away to begin with? It just seems to grow up and up! It's my last surviving plant so I really can't afford to lose this one and will do almost anything to keep it going. Would nutes help or is it still too early, seeing it's just under 2 weeks old?




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Dude it's not really the amount of light, it's the intensity, they need direct light 18 hours or your wasting your time and Total darkness for the other 6, not even a pin prick of light. the desk lamp light might not be cutting it.

You need at least a decent 64000K( will be on the box, get em at bunnings) CFL(compact fluro) globe maybe minimum 100w to get these babies going and that would have to go the full 18hrs. After a week of that they will be short fat strong plants.

Throw away the online book, or take it with a pinch of salt, and check out some grow diaries and F&Q pages on here. I am going to have a seed raising post starting tonight, if you got some more seeds scrap this poor lil one and start again. It's under Grasshopper cupboard grow in Grow Diaries and the other boyz have even better ones than me, so check em out, educational and fun =).

Do you have a HPS light or MH light to grow them and bud them? Because after they sprout, the sooner you get them under one, the stronger they will be, remember EVERYTHING starts with what you do now, how good the roots will be, The stem strength, even the stretch it will have. Remember the basics LIGHT/AIR/MEDIUM. these must be right before you even consider anything else. Hope this helps dude, probably not what you wanted to hear but if you try and get the most out of a seedling that has had a bad start, it takes longer and is more frustrating. Chin UP =) GH72

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Thanks grasshopper, you're right, not exactly what I was hoping to hear but better that I get the full info now rather than constantly be wondering why nothing is going right. I'd get myself all the necessary gear but not being allowed to drive makes it extremely difficult, and trying to explain to others who could drive me why I'm buying all this gear would be nigh on impossible. My excitement at being able to grow my own has just gone down considerably, I thought it was pretty easy and making sure there was enough light during the day and a bit extra at night would be enough. Thanks for clearing it up for me though, I do appreciate that. But it really does seem that my self-subsistence plans have gone out the window. I smoke weed to relieve my chronic stomach pain and honestly don't know what to do now. Anyway thanks again, like I said better I get all the info now rather than be wondering what I'm doing wrong every day for a few months. Cheers.
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Dude, don't give up , I'm sure you could get your gear delivered, try hydro xpress if they are in your area, order safely online and it gets delivered to your door discretely if you ask nice =). Could not be easier, ask them your questions about a basic grow kit that is easy to use by phone or by email. Honestly mate, you will never look back, sorry if I was a bit harsh in what I said, but I just wanted to help you get it right, because it is so annoying when you get it wrong. join us man, ask our help, we will get ya going on the right track, hardest bit is taking that first step. Welcome to OS and a great hobby. GH72
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Thanks man, will try and get started with the CFL globes from Bunnings, they all know I smoke anyway, and know that this city is dry as. So IMO they should understand why I want to do a bit of DIY.


I have one seed with a taproot going, very high non-germination rate overall though so your seed raising post will come in handy.


Again, thanks dude, I really want to get a nice plant growing and like you said, getting started is the hardest part. I won't give up!

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Thanks again Grasshopper, unfortunately I won't be growing anything for a while... this being a rented house and not under my name I don't want to get anyone into trouble. I've put a lot of thought into it and spoke with my family, I so wanted to do this. I really really hope they change the laws, at least let people have *one* plant! But it seems like things are getting stricter rather than the other way around. If only the govt would hold a referendum or something, I'm sure the masses would vote sensibly. Anyway, thanks again for your time dude, much appreciated. See ya around the forum!
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