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Having trouble sleeping



G'day All,


Due to some recent events I'm finding that I am unable to get anymore than 2 hours sleep at any given time, and, it's really starting to take it's toll.

I have tried Valerian, Kava and Doxylamine succinate ( Dozile ) with little or no effect at all. Even 30mins of exercise a few hours before " bedtime"

Having a smoke isn't doing it either unfortunately.

I really don't want to hit the world of Benzo's or similar.

Can anyone suggest a natural sleep remedy that may help me on my quest to the land of nod.


Thank You as always

:) ;)

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I would just like to say that opiates, like alcohol are both stimulants although their initial effects may be sedating.

I would also like to point out that a few drinks with 60 - 90mg of codeine can potentially be fatal, go over to an opiate forum and have a read of the small combo's that have resulted in the loss or near loss of some good people. Opiates and alcohol are a big no-no, you have been warned.


While it may help him get a few hours sleep initially he will eventually wake up and be worse off for it.

You will most likely have an opiate addiction albeit barely noticeable to you, this in itself will take 48hrs to pass.


Opiate withdrawal symptoms include depression, anxiety and insomnia as do the withdrawals of alcohol.


Take it from me, I myself have done a lot of opiates and you really need to keep your shit together and know that the symptoms you are experiencing will eventually pass. It can be a very rough ride especially when your already depressed.


I do understand that we are all trying to help and sympathise with THCME but please don't suggest any methods that may push him over the edge.

Unfortunately for THCME he has a large burden that is very hard to shake off, this will only take time, how long depends on him.

I do not want him to have more problems than he already has.


I'm sorry for jumping on this thread and sounding like a preacher but I feel we should be giving him our best advice.


Condolences THCME, peace out.



Edited by m-c-hammer
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There's a few things little things I've learnt over the years to help me sleep.


Firstly, never lay in bed for hours trying to sleep. If you can't sleep get up and do something, your mind should think of your bed as a place you go to sleep, rather than try to sleep.


Also, when going to bed make sure you have a full stomach, kill all sources of heat, you don't want the room to be warm.


But, the most effective method I have found to keep a good sleep pattern, is to wake up at the same time everyday no matter what, even if you only went to sleep a few minutes ago or if it's a weekend or whatever.


I started waking up 'everyday' at 6am no matter what and now after a year or so, I just naturally wake up between 5 or 6am and am usually feeling nice stoned and tried by the time I've finished my tea and have sat back to watch some tele.

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