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Having trouble sleeping



G'day All,


Due to some recent events I'm finding that I am unable to get anymore than 2 hours sleep at any given time, and, it's really starting to take it's toll.

I have tried Valerian, Kava and Doxylamine succinate ( Dozile ) with little or no effect at all. Even 30mins of exercise a few hours before " bedtime"

Having a smoke isn't doing it either unfortunately.

I really don't want to hit the world of Benzo's or similar.

Can anyone suggest a natural sleep remedy that may help me on my quest to the land of nod.


Thank You as always

:) ;)

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high there THCME ,

It might be best to first find out why your not sleeping well rather than just try random 'natural' remedies ...

I've heard of Melatonin helping too ... you've tried others I've tried , excercise even when you do alot doesn't necesarily help sleeping.

To me , any tablets ain't gonna help ya , if you want natural (and who doesn't) concentrate on your everyday simple lifestyle ... :peace:

Eat Well ... :)


G'day Budman,

Spose I should elaborate on " why ". On the 31st January this year I walked into a bedroom to find my Father hanging from the double bunk - deceased. My Father was , and still is, my hero. The poor bloke had been suffering severe depression for many years and felt as though he couldn't go on anymore. He was a school principal for 40 years, counselling kids in his own time who had problems, and, also, one of the instigators for the Zenith unit (for kids with mental problems )at John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle.

As you can well imagine this has crushed me, and, I just don't seem to be coping at all well. Counselling has had a zero effect ( if anything I come out angrier ) and at present I have lost 15kgs due to not being able to stomach anything at most times.

I realise that situations like this take time, however, it just isn't getting any easier ( I am also the executor of His will, so I can't go and " stick my head in the sand ")

I won't harp on anymore about the why's and therefore's.

Will finish by saying a BIG Thank You to those who have responded to this thread, I really do appreciate any input, and, if I can even get one decent nights sleep from the collective info, then, I have come out a little bit more positive.


Sorry for ranting and raving, I know this isn't the Dr. Phil website. I just don't really know where to turn at the moment.


Thank You Everyone


;) ;)

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Hey Thcme. All of us have a natural carcadium rythum and it's governed by light exposure in our eyes . When it gets dark we are programmed to go too sleep. Try not too be exposed to bright light before you go to bed. IE turn the brightness on the computer and the tv right down in the evening etc. I studied it at uni a few years ago. Hope it helps a little.

Good luck.


BTW IM having too sleep out bush atm cause my neighbors have been at with the duff duff for the last few night. PAin in the arse buyt i do sleep well out there. I wake up a few times in the night but get to bed real early so not so bad.





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greetnz THCME

that sux

my condollnces to you and your family

that is so sad

how cyazy mixed up tingz hafe get before we snap out of it

a wise gorrie elder once said to i

Radic when de load get too heavy put it down

the best advice is always so simple eh?????????

yet so hard to follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you can dowit

with all ehe excelent advice so far

i feel you bounce back stronger than ever

yah hafe go sooooooooooooooooooo


eat Hash oil

about 1/4 to a half a gram as needed just before bed

if that dosnt work

just keep increaseng the dose rate each night till you succeed

irey guidance

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Hi THCME,I have sufferd from sleep deprervation ,hope thats how ya spell it :D,for the past 35 yrs mate an found that pot was the best for me,try to get holed of some Indica that has been left to grow till the resin glands have just about all turned brown,when i let my girls grow like that then harvest them they have a better affect putting me to sleep, I use a volcano vaporizer an vaping puts me to sleep even quicker than smoking or bonging,i suffer chronic lower back pain from 3 broad base disc protrusions they hang out 7mm to 8mm,they hurt a little bit,an the meds i take to help with the pain mess me about sleepping as well some time i mite only sleep 1 or 2 hrs out of 24hrs,an this can go on for weeks on end, i suffer wait loss as well mate its not nice so I know where you are comming from THCME :peace:at the moment i have not got any weed so i have to take Tamaze10mg tabs,some times i have to take 2 of them to nock me out an they mite only make me sleep for about 2 to 4 hrs,some times they make no diffrence because of the pain ,I dont like having to take these meds but i do need even the littlest bit of sleep, but the pot is the best i have found to help me sleep stick with the indica an not sativa,sativa will hipe you up to much so you cant sleep,hope some of my rambblings help you out THCME just hang in there mate things will get better for ya it takes time ;) this may sound like a hole lot of crap but i find as well that a crumpet with honey on it an a hot cup of milk & milo with no sugar, just befor i go to bed helps me sleep a lot better ,all the best :D Edited by Dingo-2008
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Insomnia has changed me from excelling in everything I do, to excelling in the things I am able to do if I happen to sleep well the night before. Seriously, it's made me a much more humble person, I used to be a total prick because of my pride and abilities.. after hitting rock bottom and losing so much weight people would ask what's wrong with me, I slowly picked myself back up. I still can't sleep properly, but I have learned to work around it, became self-employed and am more or less a shift worker.. not by choice but simply because I can't sleep. It has a lot to do with my stomach problems.


Anyway for me melatonin doesn't work, and if I do take it, I have a terrible stomach ache the next day, all day. I will just feel like vomiting all day long. I've tried Valerian, St Johns Wort, Passionflower, Catnip, some mixes from Happy High shops, f**king Stilnox, Endep, Dothep, Avanza etc etc but find that nothing works better than a slow evening, a few spliffs, a non-engaging TV show (documentaries on nature etc are best) and a clear mind. I've had this problem for more than a decade and I'm still angry as to what it's taken away from me.. but at the same time thankful that I didn't turn into a royal c**t who think the world revolves around him. And errm.. looking back at this post it sort of is all about me, old habits die hard. B)

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