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Marijuana Poisoning?



me and my brother shared a joint 2 days ago, and i woke up the next morning feeling fine, but it hit the 4pm time and i started getting nausea in the stomach and flu like symptoms (back aches, all-over body sore etc.) but no cold. i decided to tell myself its a virus and so i squeezed oranges and drank a glass, around 2 minutes after consuming the OJ i vomited, projectile!! i must say it made me feel alot more better than before but i still had the symptoms. so i went and got codral day and night tablets and had 2 night ones. just before i went to sleep my bro wakes up, and hes having the same symptoms as i am.. strange,


i remember reading somewhere saying that if you store your weed above 20 degrees it can wreck it or something similar.. and its been there for a while, just in a money bag in his draw, and it was still there during the period of 30+ degree days.


could it have spoiled or something and thats what caused these symptoms?

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yeah man!


maybe a little bit over 8 hours though. kinda makes me wonder when and how did these kind of viruses start and why are they still around...



[tinfoilhat]Weeellll, these days they're made in a lab then released into the wild so that greedy pharmaceutical companies can clean up on 'vaccinations'.[/tinfoilhat]



>:( everyone panic! :huh:

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Well I have never personally thrown up from weed, although sometimes when I smoke and cough a lot, the smoke makes me temporarily nauseous... I probably could chuck if I want as I often gag, but overall marijuana does not seem to cause nausea in me, except on the rare occasion I have combined large amounts of cannabis with large amounts of the dirty drug, alcohol (I no longer drink).


There is a very small chance something was wrong with the weed, such as some sort of pesticide, fungi etc...


More likely and not you both picked up some virus / bug. You could have infected each other via sharing the pipe or you could have both simply eaten or drunk the same thing, or just both contracted the same virus.


Certainly not something to worry about unless the experience is reliably repeated.


Then again with all the paranoia against pot, even pot heads sometimes get paranoid and blame pot for whatever ills have befallen them.

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