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Very poor looking plants..Curling tips..Rust spots..& Rough dry le

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So, my struggle to grow healthy plants continues. I have flushed recently (2 weeks ago) because of over fert. Now the plants are still looking poor with the following symptoms:

1. Rust spots forming rapidly.

2. Lower leaves yellow and dying (trimmed off now).

3. Leaves very dry and rough to touch.

4. Leaf tips curling.


Cabinet details:

Lights 50cm above

2x 600W HPS

Plenty of air in/out

Clay pellet medium

30L Pots

Fermentation for CO2

50L Res

drip irrigation feeding system


Canna A&B Nutes


Avg plant height 24cm


Any ideas and advice appreciated to resolve.








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G'day jondqls,


Your plants are looking exactly like mine at the moment and I've been trying to figure it out. My guess so far is that it's a Magnesium and Phosphorus deficiency which is because my pH is too low. I just checked and mine is 5.2 but should be up around 5.8 which explains why it's missing out according to this https://cannabis.community.forums.ozstoners...ost&id=6928


Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm still in the process of learning. I'm going to fix my pH anyway and hope that the problems dissapear.


All the best! :xcited:

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yea well the plants dont look too bad ya know ... that rust is historic and will not repair itself .. probably as a result of too strong a nutrient concerntration ..

i see maybe there is still some tip burn on the new leaves ? .. personally i dont like high levels of nutrient concerntrations, it is unnecessary IMO .. i very rarely go above 1.6 EC and only then when plant is in a strong, established veg. or flower cycle ..

if i was in your place i would let the pots dry out, to point of wilt, then adjust the watering cycle accordingly, the optimum cycle for plants in hydroponics is to go from wet to dry and back to wet again in an endless cycle, under such a regime they seem to be happy and thrive ..


keep up the good work


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I agree with frazz & jinmbo the rust wont repair.


I have flushed recently (2 weeks ago) because of over fert.


How is the new growth ? While 2 weeks is a while you can not exect the totally distroyed leavesa or parts of leaves to recover.


Temps in cabinet are 18-25c.

Temps in res are 18-19c.

Ph generaly rises to 6.3-6.5 even tho i drop it to 5.8 daily


Perhaps the water temp in your res should be raised to 24c !




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