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Survey on quitting cannabis

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sally you

Joined: 1-April 09


april fool eh

can i do a study too

i will answer yours


you answer mine


dont be shy now

after reading our bourds for a mth

wasnt there anyting that you read that you might want to reason about?????????


i guess not

this is you first post, right????????????

ok here is the frist question for my study


have you ever tried to tell the truth?????????


i mean really get the truth out there

the world loves a whistle blower

nows your big moment sal

tell us all the local dirt on yah bosses

we know about the corruption


next question

who is losing the drug war eh??????


because there will be no peace till theres justice

we require an unconditional surrender

and compenstaion


last question Sal

which side are you on

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..but I'm sure lightning and littlebit would appreciate the $20 from whoever has the balls to send their details to NCPIC ;)


I agree with you in theory, but in fact it won't work, err... don't work. They may give you a $20 gift voucher but the newspaper the next day will tell you that you are addicted to Cannabis with no chance of recovering. We have seen this kind of research for years on this site.


I agree with freddie to a point, it is great to partake in surveys so that we "stoners" can get our side of the story across. But when the questions are blatantly against common logic, I believe we should abstain from answering their questions. It may cause more harm than good.


Although if there was a committed bunch who were committed to replying to every survey then we could get our point of views across. But I can think of maybe 5 people who would do it on a long term committed basis. so that theory is out the window.

I have been shot down before over this same subject, but I now believe that those that shot me down were right. But in saying that, I do believe that we have an obligation to take these surveys at face value and respond to the ones that are meaningful.


If it is a common sense survey, with decent questions then I feel we have an obligation to respond. If the survey is blatantly looking for a pre-arranged answer then we should not partake. I feel this particular study is looking for proof of a pre-arranged answer.

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F it, I rekon we do this guys, just get them to send the gift voucher to Lightning n littlbit.


It would do more harm than good in my opinion. Imagine the final day of their case and the newspapers are full of misinformation regarding people being addicted to Cannabis. I know what you are saying and where you are coming from, but I don't see how it could help.


I know you are doing your bit to help lightning and littlbit, and you deserve to be praised. But I don't see how this survey can help. I can only see bad things happening from it, as have happened before.

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I've never known many blokes named Sally which leads me to conclude Sally is infact a woman. Gents no matter how offensive a womans chosen ideology there is no excuse for "speaking" to one in the manner displayed above/below.


Geez mate welcome to the 21st century, women have equal rights these days, I dont think chiverlery is dead and im a bit old fashioned myself but the days of blanket respect just because someone is female are long gone and rightly so imo, equality is equality.


Look, I have respect and admiration for strong and intelligent women[i have 2 sisters and numerous female friends] And theres no doubt I watch my language when around them compared to in the shed or out on the boat with the fellas. BUT I dont forget for one second theres plenty of women out there who will stab your grandmother in the face to steal $20 out of her purse, that kind of scum deserve everything and anything they get and personally I class this Sally right in there with them.


Why the mods even let the post stay I dont understand?


Bugger it, I cant be stuffed...

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They probably let it stay because it's our choice to participate. Freedom and that....


yeah I thought about it a bit more iamnotacop and decided I won't. Not worth it at all.

The view of Cannabis in Australia (besides medical) is pretty shite atm as it is.

On the other hand, once America gets it legalised, we'll follow anyway. So it really doesn't matter what happens between now and then. But then I'm assuming America WILL legalise, not sure if they will, I'm hopeful though.


K fuck it I just won't do it ;)


EDIT: 'Just Say No' Just backfired on the fuckers! haha ;)

Edited by luciddreaming
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National Cannabis Control and Prevention Centre

An organisation with a strong reputation for research into the prevention of harmful drug use was established in response to community concerns about cannabis use and to prevent uptake, and continuation, of cannabis use.


Intially funded at $3 million each year for a period of 3 years


Mission Statement


The NCPIC mission is to reduce the use of cannabis in Australia by preventing uptake and harms associated with its use in the Australian community.


National Cannabis Control and Prevention Centre


Cannabis remains the most commonly used illicit drug in Australia. It is a harmful and addictive drug.

It is often misrepresented as a ‘soft drug’, but the possible harms associated with its use are now well recognized.




On a lighter note

wanna see some seriously funny shit ? ;)


Check some of these finalists in 2008 National Cannabis Prevention & Information Centre (NCPIC) Short Film Competition;


Its not funny


Day in the life of a 16 year old 'marijuana' dealer


Dont get lost






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One day Sally, when the designer jeans don't fit anymore and dad's credit card stops buying Tequilla shots at that spiffy downtown bar I hope you end up with nothing. Absolutely nothing. That way you can wipe the slate clean and open your eyes to a real world, if your lucky someone will offer you a joint and you'll finally see why we think your such an ASSHOLE

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It is hard to take their research seriously when it comes from such a biased viewpoint.


Just in case you might be addicted to cannabis here's their definition of dependence:

What is cannabis dependence?


Dependence on cannabis means that the person needs to use cannabis just to feel 'normal'. In order to be diagnosed as cannabis dependent, a person needs to experience at least three of the following in the one year:


* tolerance to the effects of cannabis, meaning that more cannabis is needed to get the same effect;

* withdrawal from the effects of cannabis, such as irritability, trouble sleeping and depressive symptoms;

* using more cannabis than was intended;

* persistent desire to stop taking cannabis or to cut down and being unsuccessful at this;

* spending lots of time obtaining, using or recovering from the use of cannabis;

* giving up important activities in favour of using cannabis; and/or

* using cannabis even when it is known that it causes problems



I'd suggest the last one is a classic. ;) ;)


I have no liking for the NCPIC. I just live in hope that they will be either discontinued or evolve into a proper research centre that looks at both the harms and benefits of cannabis.


Come back please ms Sally r (senior research officer), open a thread, and lets talk cannabis addiction. ;)

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