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Survey on quitting cannabis

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I actually don't mind cannabis researchers coming on here and doing their thing. Better to get their info here than some more dodgy source. I live in hope that they might actually learn something. I know not many ppl will agree. How many cannabis research threads have we had? They never end well. ;)


For what its worth I think the NCPIC is a waste of space as far as serious research goes and it is just a propaganda organisation. I would still welcome them here though 'coz I think any dialogue or input is better than none. ;)

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I actually don't mind cannabis researchers coming on here and doing their thing. Better to get their info here than some more dodgy source. I live in hope that they might actually learn something. I know not many ppl will agree. How many cannabis research threads have we had? They never end well. ;)


;) I don't think anyone has a problem with genuine research freddie, the problem is when an organization like the NCPIC come here under the guise of research. There are alot of threads here for research that received a good responce.


We are looking for people who smoked cannabis regularly.............and have made at least one unsuccessful attempt to quit.


;) Maby I'm wrong about the intentions of this thread but I doubt it. We will see in 6 months or so when the NCPIC releases what I expect will be it's latest 'shocking new reaseach' into cannabis addiction.


Peace MongyMan

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First you try and cut down, by growing other types of plants and less cannabis.

But next thing you know there's just organic food, herbs, shrubs, and trees everywhere (sucking up carbon, wasting consumer demand) and just as much cannabis herb as ever.


So you try an go cold turkey and just shut of the grow room...

Next thing you know you're just shooting a couple of beans on the windowsill..

Designing sophisticated outdoor organic hydro systems, greenhouses and grow rooms.



It's always better to cut down slowly. Quitting growing cannabis is a serious trauma on the human psyche.


I mean its pricks like you Sally, that made it prohibited and aim to keep it that way for financial gain only.

Growing cannabis is the only addictive part of the plant.


To cease cannabis use, you simply stop.


Once they pass sativex here and the cracks in your prohibition wall open up, what happens to the National Cannabis Information Prevention Centre Sally?

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