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Survey on quitting cannabis

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Hey I remember sometime back how Sally mentioned that NCPIC were approached by plenty folk wishing to give up pot.

Well if she is really telling us the truth, then why does she have to bother placing an ad on this site to get enough people to do her survey?

Sally, is there just a slim chance that you are full of it, that really you are having trouble finding enough folk unable to quit the weed?

Was it your boss who suggested you go looking for candidates here? How many 'addicts' have you found, and how many more 'addicts' do you need to make your survey meaningful?


So now Sally tell me do you still personally believe that pot is addictive, despite the proof that you have difficulty finding enough pot addicts to complete your survey?

Edited by chuffer
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Hi Sally,

If you still check in once in a while, I have a message for you, I understand you've had a somewhat rough response in this thread.

You have entered a stoner community without considering a few things.

Generally stoners are well educated, hard-working, honest and pleasant folk who don't like to be lumped in with hard drug users. This topic of addiction is not conclusive, because there are still arguments for both sides. IMO Physical withdrawal symptoms like that you see from heroin and alcohol do not happen when withdrawing from cannabis. Of course some people may struggle psychologically with willpower and a void in daily ritual etc. but that is not a cannabis only issue. General techniques used to kick any kind of habitual behaviour can be found in many self help books.

Secondly, the history of cannabis use and it's prohibition is ignored. This plant has been used for all manner of things by humans for some 6000 years. Bullshit we don't know much about it. We know what we know, but organisations such as yours wish to muddy the water to justify keeping the war on drugs going. (which is far more life destroying than cannibis itself)

That's why people have been so hostile, many of us with a desire to quit have gained it from external social factors, and this does cause resentment. We are generally a bunch of nice people who wish to be free to seek our pleasure (or medication) without being demonised, or treated as second class citizens. The NCPIC is another cog in the machinery that prevents that. Quit that job, retain your soul and light up a doob... you won't be sorry! :thisbig:

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hey ya didnt read all this nor do i want to i think.....i quit when i run out if i do between harvests...atm am abit behind n smoking leaf or nothing.....dont do fuck all ......cant sleep for shit n drink more than when i have cones....


PPL who say after years of smoking weed can give up and feel noting not even the "want" for a cone r full of shit....i have trouble sleeping get cold sweats ( only few days tho) but saying that is the worst of it part from bit moody.............still a million times better than coming off anyother drug i have ever heard of.

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hey ya didnt read all this nor do i want to i think.....i quit when i run out if i do between harvests...atm am abit behind n smoking leaf or nothing.....dont do fuck all ......cant sleep for shit n drink more than when i have cones....


PPL who say after years of smoking weed can give up and feel noting not even the "want" for a cone r full of shit....i have trouble sleeping get cold sweats ( only few days tho) but saying that is the worst of it part from bit moody.............still a million times better than coming off anyother drug i have ever heard of.


Possibly the worst reply since `09...you`re the type they wanna speak to...go grab yer $20 voucher son



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