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Survey on quitting cannabis

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The National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC) is conducting a study on the strategies people use to quit cannabis. We are looking for people who smoked cannabis regularly (more than once a week) for at least a year, but haven’t used any cannabis in the last year OR people who currently smoke cannabis more than once a week and have made at least one unsuccessful attempt to quit. As compensation for your time, you will receive a $20 gift voucher. If you are 18 or older and have access to the Internet, please contact Sally or Desiree on Quitters@med.unsw.edu.au




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Hi Sally

You might want to contact the site administrators and see if you are able to get Private Messages (pm's) as from my understanding you need to post at least 5 times before this can happen. Given the subject matter you might find respondents to your request would rather pm you rather than posting on the forum. Good luck and don't forget to post your research findings on this site.


P.S maybe the next body of research could evaluate vapourising as method of thc delivery and potential hazards associated with this method (for those who wish to continue using cannabis) ;) .

Edited by flatcat_auz
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After a decade of constant pot smoking I moved interstate and ran out of pot. I simply didn't bother trying to get anymore so I just stopped. It was amazingly simple. No withdraws apart from a sleepless first night. I gave up for about 5-6 years following that. Thankfully I started again.


Pot is virtually non addictive. Some people are addicted to the nicotine they stupidly mix it with.


Cheers. ;)

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I haven't smoked for about 6 months, no probs quitting at all. I just ran out and didn't bother growing any more.


Although it is a bit disheartening to see that you are looking for people that have made unsuccessful attempts at quitting. Asking for specific information like that will give your survey flawed results, not the truth. But I suppose that is what you are after now, isn't it.

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Listen sally ive had a gut full of your kind who come in here wanting us to fill out your questionaires, only to find out later through other sources the report you release completely bags Cannabis to the lowest and is used by media and Governments to increase the ferocity of the War on Drugs ...


all the info you gather will be compiled into a erroneous report and probably see you get another grant to conduct another bullshit study ...

its happened how many times before ? ... countless times


personally i would not give you the time of day ... go jump in the lake

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Listen sally ive had a gut full of your kind who come in here wanting us to fill out your questionaires, only to find out later through other sources the report you release completely bags Cannabis to the lowest and is used by media and Governments to increase the ferocity of the War on Drugs ...


all the info you gather will be compiled into a erroneous report and probably see you get another grant to conduct another bullshit study ... its happen how many times before ? ... countless times


personally i would not give you the time of day ... go jump in the lake


I think the name says it all. "The National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC)". Prevention is their aim and the reason they get funded. This lot have proven before on this site and many others that they do exactly what you said frazz. Their information is not even vaguly based on science and intelligent research. Maby a more acurate name would be The National Cannabis Prevention Through Fear and Properganda Centre. Shame on you and those like you. When you get to hell say hi to Goebbels, Im sure you will get on well together.

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