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Spider Mites Close to Harvest

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Hi, as you can prob guess i'm new to growing, Its my first time and i think i'm fighting a losing battle. Every thing was great til bout 2 wks ago; i notice just a few spider mite and ordered some preditors to sort them out. Well its not turned out as planned, the mites seem to have spead live rats. One day No Webs - Today a cloud of webs all over my buds.

B4 finding the mites my plants had approx 3 wks till harvest hense why I didn't use any sprays and went for Phytoseiulus predator mites,

Could the webs be from the Phytoseiulus???? If NOT how can I get rid of the spider mites ready for harvest??? Will a good Vacuum and a Wip down sort it out or will I ruin my plants. Please help me, I don't have much time left and I loosing my mind, Hoping I've not wasted months of Effort lol

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Not much u can do so close to harvest other than raise the humidity above 70% for 2 days, the little fuckers swell up explode! Should thin out the population until the next round of eggs hatch.


IF u feel the need to spray (not recommended at this stage) u can use a soap spray, yates have a product called natrasoap for spidermites and totally organic.


I reckon u just harvest as per usual, once the plant matter starts to dry the fuckers jump ship anyway.


Cant help with the predator mites as I have never used them.


Good luck!

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the best methord of mite control is the Biodynamic methord

it works

first time



here's how

first collect bout 20 mites and mush dem up in 100 mill of water

use a blender

now leave the mite water to brew at grow room tempeture for 10hrs

then strain out the mites so you dont block up the spray equipment

mix the 100 mill of strained mite brew with 10lt of pure water and spray it on the effected plants and grow room

then wave good buy to the mites


do not spray in full light



strictly spray early -->before the lights come on


late -->after they go off

never in full light



irey gudiance

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Hi Spliffs4Breaky,


If I was to harvest with the Spider mite present is there a chance they're eat my bud while drying ??? coz i'd be gutted !!!


You'll do good and as told the mites piss off quick when the plants heat stops pumping all the 'sap' around.


Bio-Prevention using predators is the real answer. Mantra's from your garden and lady birds'. Look for them & you will find.


Sterilization following bad infestations is recommended.


yielkds ....IF u feel the need to spray (not recommended at this stage) u can use a soap spray, yates have a product called natrasoap for spidermites and totally organic.


This 'natrasoap' I'd recommend too but you so close to harvest just ride it out.




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