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You can't blame the fact the thread was moved for your money loss really , it's the general overall feel we have ALWAYS gotten from norml so it's not a huge shock to me that they took your money and you never get replies back.They have changed their ways for the worse imho.



Where members donate to is totally up to them but we shouldn't be forced to allow what breaks down to free advertising for them partiularly if we belive the group being promoted aren't all they are passing themselfs off as, like in this case where people have simply lost their money.

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If NORML australia is rippig people off wouldn't starting our own cannabis law reform group be a reasonable idea. You don't need too have the know name of NORML too make a difference. If we were too start our own small group it could be run propperly for aussies by aussies.


I really think it would be a great idea. Meetings too discuss ways too get the views accross etc. i for one would be very interested in trying too start something along these lines. I would even be willing too help fund certain bits and peices as well as make websites, brochures anything etc...


think about it guys, seriously, united we can make a difference, sharing ideas and then perfecting them as a group, with the collective brainpower in various areas of life on this forum alone many things could be accomplished.


I am putting this out there too anyone who is against the MJ laws in Australia.

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I'm a NORML member and I've been in contact with them for a few months. I feel that it's not worth trying to start little organisations everywhere in Australia - nothing has been achieved trying to do this. Changing the laws needs a coordinated effort - and it needs to be credible. When certain politicians have raised the issue, they have been laughed at, and even worse, vilified for even suggesting that cannabis may not be as harmful as what is mainstream thinking. I'm not trying to advertise for NORML, I just feel that we need to tap into the international resources that are available. I don't think that Australian's realise just how huge and powerful NORML is as a lobby group - they are international and have a many years of experience working against prohibition. Although they are massive, they are made up of small, local chapters - and this is how they rely on being run. It is supposed to be a local movement - but is supported by big money that is centrally managed in the US.


Starting a chapter is actually easy, but it demands commitment. Some of NORML's expectations of members can be hard to do in Australia, particularly because we don't have a bill of rights. However, as the contact at NORML stated, as soon as there is a chapter established in Australia (and that can be just at state level), then support will flow from the US. I don't know if people are aware of the changes that are happening in the US, but there is a strong chance that legal medicinal cannabis will become legal at a federal level, not just at state level. Once it is law in 50% of the states, then it becomes federal law. Around 13 states have passed laws and 7 are considering (this is just from Wikipedia so the number may be even more). This is huge - and it is what Australian's need to tap into. Can you imagine the credibility this gives to the move to end prohibition? Medicinal cannabis is the first step to ending prohibition. Yes, NORML are a bit slack, but they did inform me that they are extremely busy at the moment as the US membership has surged big time this year - due to Obama's election and the growing movement in the US. There is also a growing number of European countries (where NORML is active) that have/or are considering med use laws. Portugal is a good example of how decriminalisation hasn't 'ruined' the country as mainstream Australian society is led to believe that is will do if the laws were changed here. I think it would be an embarrassment to the Australian government if the med use laws changed in the US when our PM is stating that there are 'no medicinal benefits to using cannabis'. The NSW trials that were announced in 2003 by the Carr government never happened. Australia-wide, there is nothing happening - progress has not only stalled, but things have gone backwards. Med use and the science that backs it, is the way to ending prohibition because it demonstrates that it's not only safe (for recreational use), but can save people's lives too. That would also be the best way for tax-payer funded 'research institutes' like NCPIC and NCETA to be disbanded forever.


Joining NORML isn't for everyone, but if you want to do something in Australia, consider joining the HEMP party. It doesn't cost anything to join. All they need is for people to 'own up' to being members when the membership is checked by the electoral commission. There is just too much fear in Australia. The laws are getting tighter and tighter - this trend can't be allowed to continue. These are my opinons - I'm not claiming to an authority, I just want people to consider a different perspective.


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Guest niall

Guys I've been catching up on the NORML Daily Audio Stash podcast, and in the last week we've gotten quite a few mentions. I've passed my contact details onto Russ (the host) so they can be forwarded to whoever here is trying to get things setup.


There's a lot of frustration here, but also a lot of misconceptions about how NORML operates and how a Chapter is setup. How about we get our shit together right here, right now, and put our hands up to start an Australian chapter?


I'm in, who else has paid already and who else is willing to join up so we have sufficient numbers to keep all future membership fees here in Australia?


I'll volunteer to setup a mailing list, our own forum, whatever - but we need to start talking to each other directly if we want to make things happen. Listen to the latest podcast - NORML is a bottom-up organisation. NORML will not do our work for us, they provide resources and advice for US to take action here in Australia. Read up on "participatory democracy" - this is how the WA Greens are run and it is a truly democratic, grass-roots, empowering way to run an organisation with varied opinions and ideas.


I'm happy to go register "NORML Australia" as a non-profit organisation and reserve norml.org.au for us to use, I'll pay all the fees and get this setup with State and Territory subdomains, down to regional sub-sub-domains, and I'll hand over control to us as a group once we have elected a Board with a Treasurer to handle membership fees with transparency into the banking statements, a President or however we want to structure this thing.


I know fuck all about NORML Chapters so I'll go read their website now (saw some references in a thread here about a critical mass of membership being required until fees stayed local).


NORML wishes to affiliate and work cooperatively with local and statewide organizations that share our general goals. The following guidelines indicate the criteria which an organization must meet to qualify for affiliation with NORML, including the use of "NORML" in the affiliate's name.


1. The group applying for affiliation must include at least 5 current NORML members; however, NORML will accommodate campus chapters that do not currently meet this requirement by offering reduced-rate student memberships of $15, or we will extend the deadline for a short period of time while the first 5 memberships are submitted to the national office.


1a. Once an organization is officially recognized as a NORML affiliate:

I. Any individual who joins a state or local affiliate of NORML for $10 or more will receive a free one year membership to national NORML

II. Any student who joins a campus chapter for $5 or more will receive a free one year membership to national NORML.


2. Applicant group must either (1) be a non-profit corporation established and operating under the laws that govern non-profit organizations in your state, or must form a non-profit corporation, adopt articles of incorporation and bylaws, register with the secretary of state (or other appropriate state office), and follow all state laws and regulations governing the operation of not-profit corporations; or (2) in the case of a campus-based student chapter, must comply with all college or university requirements for campus organizations, and must seek official recognition from the college or university.


3. The group must agree to conduct organizational business in a manner prescribed by state law for non-profit organizations, including the holding of regular board meetings, the keeping of board meeting minutes, and the holding of regular elections as required in the bylaws. Affiliates will be required to send an end of the year report including all of the aforementioned materials.


4. The group must agree to pursue a program intended to educate the public; lobby local, state and federal officials; or otherwise build support for ending the criminal prohibition of marijuana and the arrest of marijuana smokers.


5. The group must agree to operate in a professional manner and to avoid activities that would bring disrepute or otherwise harm NORML and its reform efforts. This includes the sale of so-called drug paraphernalia, grow lights and seeds (other than sterile hemp seeds). Also, chapters should seriously consider seeking a local legal opinion regarding the sale of drug testing alternatives and flush remedies.


6. Guidelines for those seeking to establish a NORML chapter in states that have legalized the medical use of marijuana.


a. Because of NORML’s federal tax-exempt status, no entity distributing medical marijuana, whether a cooperative, a collective or some other entity, may also serve as a NORML chapter, nor may the NORML name be used by any entity distributing medical marijuana.


b. A majority of the board of directors of any NORML chapter must be comprised of individuals who are neither principals, board members or employees of any medical cannabis distributor.


c. The NORML chapter must establish and maintain an address and must hold its meetings at a location separate from any medical marijuana distribution center.


7. After a one year grace period, every state affiliate is required to host at least one fundraising event annually (i.e. concert, party, etc.) co-sponsored by national NORML, whereby the proceeds will be split among the two involved organizations. NORML will provide assistance by promoting the show through our e-mail and mailing lists. Campus chapters, while not required to comply with this rule, are strongly encouraged to do so.


Haven't read all of this in detail, and it's pretty US-centric, but let's talk to Russ and see what the deal is. What resources and advice will we receive? Do we agree with their approach? Do we want to name it something else and just do this on our own?


Anyone who is interested please email me and let's get *something* started: niall@CannabisFacts.info

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Guest niall

I've emailed Russ again and will post his reply here if he's ok with this. Anyone who is interested - go check out NORML New Zealand's website and see what those guys have achieved!


Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 21:33:27 +1000 (EST)

To: Russ Belville <russ@norml.org>

Subject: RE: Australia - Victoria


Hey there Russ, I'm trying to get things kickstarted again here in Australia. I am posting this email to our thread to keep things public, and I'd love to post your reply also:




For now I'm going to assume that I'm the best person to get this happening and you're not already in contact with someone serious about this. If not, feel free to forward this email to them so we can actually talk to each other directly (!) and get things happening.


First question for you mate - what is the deal with setting up International chapters in regards to the "How to Form a NORML Chapter" page? It's very USA-centric. Should we assume the same basic principles apply? What is the deal with membership fees - once we're setup we can keep this money local and invest it into the organisation as a non-profit? That's my preference.


Secondly, you suggested on the show last week that we would need to setup State based Chapters as we're such a large country. I disagree here, in fact our stoner community down here is incredibly small, and while our country is geographically large our population is also very small. While I totally agree with your comments and the principles of bottom up vs. top down organisations (I've participated in regional political chapters based around "participational democracy" and "bottom-up" principles and am a big proponent of this approach), Australia and our stoner community in particular is spread incredibly thin. Our society down here is quite backwards in some respects, and we've endured decades of Media and Political inspired apathy - to the point where nothing ever gets off the ground here in terms of organised cannabis activism.


And it shits me to tears!


I tried to get this type of approach off the ground years ago with MarijuanaAustraliana.net - I figured we'd build a site, form a community, and then get people involved in both anonymous and public projects. Nothing ever came of it, and perhaps that says more about my ability to inspire and attract like minded people than it does of Australians, but we have a real uphill battle here to get any NORML Chapters off the ground regardless of who is involved.


I would really like to see us setup a national organisation first. If that succeeds, and we reach critical mass and can actually get things happening - then let's enshrine it into the organisation's Charter that at a certain point or after a vote, the national body will split into regional Chapters with a local focus, and aim towards getting regional/campus Chapters setup in the long-term.


I'll run with this mate if no-one else is going to do it. But we've got some guys down here with a real misunderstanding of how NORML Chapters operate, and we've also got some blokes who have serious concerns and are pissed off! Some guys have paid up and not received anything, not even a confirmation of membership, after 4 months! Clearly you guys are busy, but let's not miss a real opportunity here.


I've greatly admired Chris Fowlie's work with NORML NZ for many years, but sadly he too has not replied to my emails over the years. Our experience so far with NORML is disappointing, so let's change that together, you and I if no-one else is going to take this seriously down here.


I've asked for the other guys to email me to see how many people we have, who has already paid/joined, and who is willing to. Hopefully I'll get back to you in the next week with 5 paid up members and we can fast-track the paperwork and get this happening.




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Good job Niall, we can't let up now. I'm pretty sure we've got 5 members already yeah?

I am poor but I can make posters or anything else like that you guys want once we have an Aus chapter.

I'll make sure to keep an eye on this thread. I also think it would be better to have a national chapter instead of state ones and all that shit.

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Cheerz Niall ... and Nice E-mail btw :)

I'm pretty sure that at least 5 members here paid up ... was not long after that the thread was removed ;)

Quite dissapointing really , for me it was moreso the greatly varied and well thought out posts than anything NORML associated that were the real Green Gold (so to speak) aspects of that Topic ...

I had a good chat with Oz one night about it and Know that I did well to argue this side of it ... unfortunatly It seems it was to no avail :/ Oh well I did my best tho.


The thread had a real "feel" to it ... that I for one appreciated greatly. It's a real blow when one has put so much time and effort into something created and it is taken away for no decent reason. Ironicaly it reminds me of having your Plants taken by the authorities , an analogy I'm sure it pains many to relate to :bongon:


In saying that , I understand the Mods opinions ... I even agree with them mostly. I just want to read all those great posts again ;) ... reading stuff like that inspires me and gives me hope that we are not all DeadHeads (for lack of a better term right now) :D heheh ... not to mention the "referencing" value it had for associated research ...

I don't see what the big deal is ... surely we should have been warned that all our work and all the important links were at risk of being deleted , if not actually discussed as to why .. if not just given the reason and had the thread Locked ;)


Well , that's my 2c about that thread , thankfully there have been many more good ones to take it's place (woah , just like plants ... again) :)

Agreed that Lightning and Littlbit deserve every bit of support in their fight (I wonder how that's going right now) ... but surely a Multi-Pronged-Attack couldn't hurt? (excepting possible multiple prong puncture injuries ofc) ... The "overgrowing" seems to be going fairly well these days also :D Hahah :)


One more thing before I wrap it up ...

5. The group must agree to operate in a professional manner and to avoid activities that would bring disrepute or otherwise harm NORML and its reform efforts. This includes the sale of so-called drug paraphernalia, grow lights and seeds (other than sterile hemp seeds). Also, chapters should seriously consider seeking a local legal opinion regarding the sale of drug testing alternatives and flush remedies.

Does this mean that we would have to somehow disassociate ourselves with this site as these products are sold by sponsers who are advertised here? :thumbsup:


Anyhoo , that's enough for now ... if an Australian "Faction" does get underway ofc I would support it , in what way I could :D

Cheerz and Good Luck :bongon:


Budman :D


P.s. I second the Notion of starting Nationally also.

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Niall, i run a server for webhosting from my house and can host the site temporarily or permanently for free, as well as having done web design, forums admin and other crap like that. i would be able too do much more too help and would really like too see how things pan out. keep in touch with them. Technically the whole of this forums active members would at least or SHOULD be interested in law reforms in aus...


And i agree with national, but the trouble would be having a meeting of some sort nationally, it would need different structuring too other chapters, with interaction between people from a greater distance apart. But never the less i am eager too see his response. =]


emailed you too. it wasn't much of an email but im too tired too type anything substantial.

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