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For 9 years we have asked NORML for a link to us on their links page and for 9 years they have ignored any emails we've sent them. We have happily linked to them however and still have them linked on our links page and have even ran their banners at times. So while we wait to see if they reply this time the post has been removed as it's become nothing but an advertisment for sending NORML money... A reform group that has basically done nothing for the Australian cannabis culture and has really had no time for it unless they're getting $'s from down here.


If your really serious about changing cannabis laws in Australia join and infiltrate your local liberal or labour party in numbers and begin to change the views there because no matter what you like to believe these are the major political forces and the minority parties don't really get anywhere fast because they simply don't have enough policies and target only certain aspects of running a country.

I can understand Oz's frustration with NORML, but I don't agree with pulling the thread. This is pretty much the only OZ website that any discussion of cannabis law reform can take place. NORML seems to operate pretty well in NZ so I can't see why they couldn't operate here. We are all over 18 here and don't need protecting regarding where we send our money.


I also don't think that joining my local Labor or Liberal branch will help at all. Not a chance in hell of a major party embracing cannabis law reform imo. The best way to achieve law reform is with small lobby groups like NORML which the press would go to for statements and comments, if they were to exist. At the moment we unrepresented in the media so we only get one sided stories.

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littlbit & I were members of the liberal party for a number of years and constantly got in their faces about cannabis we were eventually pushed out for our views, so I believe the only way forward is the high court. lets hope we are successful.

An australian organisation campaigning for the reform of the laws is a noble idea. Whatever you call it is irrelevant as long as it's purpose is to educate the public and fight the lies with truth and science

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Either way, a few members basically wasted their money if nothing is to come out of it.

That's how it's shaping up. Nearly 4 months after I paid my NORML membership and I haven't even received a membership confirmation. They're a bit tardy answering emails too.

Is cannabis advocacy fundamentally doomed because it's mostly run by stoners?

Damn I'm feeling discouraged..

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