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Nothing but females...how can this be?

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I hope someone can shed some light on what is a rather puzzling situation. I got some old seeds from a friend and have been growing successive crops over about 4 seasons. I have always watched carefully for males and discarded any that looked vaguely like they might be going to be males. As a consequence (or so I thought) the 3 or 4 plants I kept were always female.


This year, I kept all 12 of the plants I germinated (needed to refresh the seed bank, and was happy to have males). Amazingly, all 12 were female. The odds against this occurring are, according to my calculations, 2 to the power of 12 = 1 chance in 4096 (assuming, simplisticly, an expected M/F ratio of 1:1).


On reflection, I realise that in the last 4 years I have never definitely sighted a male plant. So, the 1/4096 odds are almost certainly much greater. Clearly, chance is not at work here: my seeds almost certainly produce nothing but female plants.


Obviously, the seeds I have been using for the past 3 years have not been feminised: they have just come from preceding crops (a note of explanation on this later). And it is also certain that the seeds I originally obtained were not feminised (they were just some old seeds from a bag of stuff that my friend had lying around for some indeterminate period). In any event, my understanding is that feminised seeds do not propagate as such; the hormone treatment used to produce them is not transferred to subsequent generations.


With no males, how have I managed to get seeds for successive crops? I assumed, initially, that my girls (I grow outdoors) were being fertilised by males elsewhere in the district. A friend has since used these seeds in a hydroponic installation, and got some seeds as a result. I now suspect that my girls were, in fact, hermies to some degree.


So, to rephrase my original query somewhat: how is it possible to get females all the time - albeit somewhat hermie females?


And my problem now is that my current crop are almost solidly female. So far, I can detect only a very occasional seed (but curing, etc, is still in progress)


Can anyone explain what is happening here?

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iery Greetnz

i can see more factors than just luck at play here


I now suspect that my girls were, in fact, hermies to some degree.


right on

to what degree????????

is what counts

more than 10%m

or less than 90%fm

is trouble

yuck hemmi


because you pull the males out before any male pollen has fallen<--------- standed senci management


there is no chance of getting any male geens in any seed from each harvest


if there is no male geen in the seed

than it will be 100% certainty of female plant

it has no male geens right

it can only produce female plants


it seams

the more times you do this to each suscessive generation <-------stop male pollenation

the bigger the degree of male to female flowers show up in each suscessive generation


yuck shes gone hemmi on yah


nuff raspect

thru your plant management practices

you have produced 4 generations so far

have you noticed more seeds in each harvest?????????

i usually find after 3 generations she starts to hemmi

but you got 4


gotta love dat

i will be interested to see how many generations you can get till hemmi rulez her

do you have any pix????

what strain is she??????


irey guidance

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