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New laws attack Hydroponic shops

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February 26, 2009 02:15pm


Copyright 2009 News Limited






HYDROPONICS shops will be hit with even tougher regulations as the State Government moves to curb cannabis production across the state.


The new legislation, an Australian first, will be aimed at combating the sale of equipment for cultivating hydroponic cannabis.


Police Minister Michael Wright said the move would make it easier for police to track who was buying the equipment.


"If you are using the equipment to grow tomatoes then you have nothing to fear but if it is for growing cannabis then you can expect a visit from the police," Mr Wright said,


Adelaide has the highest number of hydroponics shops in Australia on a per capita basis with at least 51 identified businesses.


Under the proposed changes, people buying certain equipment will be required to submit to a 100 point ID check with their details electronically transferred to police.


It will result in:


HYDROPONIC dealers having to adhere to a strict licensing regime including a fit and proper person test which takes into account reputation, honesty and integrity of the person and the people they associate with.


EMPLOYEES will also be required to undergo a fit and proper person test.


POLICE will be able to object to an application for a licence or employment on the grounds of criminal intelligence.


LICENSED dealers having verify the identity of purchasers of specialist equipment by way of 100-point ID check.


DEALERS will need to maintain electronic records of all specialist items sold with the records forwarded to police in "as close to real time" as possible.


The Government has been examining the changes since March last year.

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what items will need the 100 point id check? im curious as im a tech and can build almost anything electronic lol

Also wtf, this will mean people will push their ballasts and bulbs for longer and ultimately lead to safety concerns!!

Also wtf, if someone is connected enough to do a big grow op.... wouldnt you think that the same person is connected to get fake ids? Seems like a stop gap measure that cant stop the big boys just fk us small timers.

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more illogical and unenforceable laws that will waste tax payer's money.


how are they going to stop interstate mail orders?


what about hydro equipment thats sold by hardwares, building suppliers, and nurseries? Am I going to need 100 points of ID and character references to by a plastic bucket at woolies because it could be used to grow hydro? lol


governments love chasing their own tail it seems.


too stupid for words really lol

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This does not surprise me. A bunch of tossers writing up 'n implementing legislation who aren't in touch of how it all works. To me, it just goes to show that the tossers are outing themselves, of how out of touch they really are.


Bigger growers get bigger 'n the little fella that stick to his own personal grow, gets shafted. Well done SA Gov, you've done your state a great injustice. Now tootle off 'n give yourselves another pay rise for it.



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No doubt eventually it will riverrat.. just like the sale of bongs, I think they must be almost illegal in every state now.. Time to stock up on the goods I think... or start growing tomatoes at home? lol Coz we all know canna coco grows the best homegrown tomato's.


What a joke tho at this time of economic downfall I thought the gov was trying to increase retail sales.. What else can I spend my $950 surplus on lol

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