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PK 13-14

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add PK in the first 2 weeks however the instructions say week 5or6 (for 1 week)of an 8 week cycle.

Is that right????


thats the way it is from a botany aspect


each plan has incorperated all this in it

so best to follow the stanard they tell you to do

the grow and bloom nutrients have been specially perpaired for that plan to work

but it is all aproxermation

each strain will varry slightly

so one need to develop a feel for gardening

a vibe

which you have


use the plan


but listen to your feelings

and dont be afraid to act on them

if you get the vibe to change from the plan


yah hafe go so

that is what i call

Irey Guidance

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hydroponics can grow any plant

it is simply a matter of managment

indica, sativa or rodellas

the light cycle controles vegatitive and reproductive growth

so you can change the light cycle from grow to bloom

any time you choose

short term or long term it is your choise

just set the lights to 12/12 and the plant will start to change to bloom

it usually takes about 2 weeks to to change from grow to bloom

this is called the change over period

thats what we reasoning here


the change over period and PK nutrients


it really is just managment practices not variety or strain

that caused the stretching

high grow room temptures will dowit every time


the change over period is a very confusing time

for 2 weeks all growth seams to dramaticly slow

so much so its almost stoped

it is very easy to get confusied too

and try to give supplements at the wrong time

then we cause more problems

2 wks is a bit scary

it is so easy to become as confused as your plant



ofcourse one can breed a plant specially to thrive in the indoor enviroment

but these indoor varieties will still grow out doors even thrive if managed well

and any cannabis plant can be managed to thrive in a indoor hydro system



irey guidance

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Hi buddy.g,


You have your hands full with that cuppboard chockers M8 !


I like SS "hung off" this one mostly as every time I viewed the post 'Radic' had posted - all reasonably good accurate information Radic - I agree with your basic phiosophical grow stance underpinnings considerably. I observe vigilantly watch and listen to my plant(s) all the time awaiting for them to 'tell' me things - "I'm hungry" / "I'm drowning" / "shit that's hot".


There is nothing wrong with your information Radic - just drop it a few levels and fill in missing explanations so he has atleat some chance if a gestalt occuring (if not toda in the future) Missing the simple and logical, yet basic problem(s) if one is going to broaden the depth of his [posters] enquiry. Too much informationias dangerous in the wrong hands. Keep it simple is my suggestion.


buddy.g - never panic time is on your side.

So what did buddy.g ask"


buddy.g .... am at week 5 of flower.

Will PK 13-14 help stop my plant from stretching or will it keep going???


I would have relpied seeking more information followed by an explanation and the PK's bottles (whick vary dependan on product directions with a caveat (warning).


This would simply be along the lines of "Use PK13/14 @ 3 weeks before harvest. I'd explain that one would need to know how many weeks this is if he had not grown the plant before or have seed bank (yet, unreliable) information.

Pic helped alot buddy.g :yinyang: show your dealing with multiple problems and dificulties.


#1 on my list would be Gazza's point - that of genetics. Gazza said simply and to the point that it's "sativa its an outdoor plant with a very lengthy flowering period being grown indoors hence why its growing wild". Information is good when it can be mannaged & not given in bulk.


Yes, any strain can be "managed" indoors & gazza knows that but, after that pic (shock horror)


Gazza simply stuck to fundenentls.


Gazza2001au....... your problem is pretty simple i thought someone else would have pointed out the obvious


SS.....I was so going to say this yesterday but being a newb I didnt wanna be called out as a douche bag


Common SS :D you opted out without a pic. I did too as I thougt "insufficient information".


buddy.g .........I should not have started 2 threads. I am just repeating everything.

Not to worry.


Na :D keep your grow diary clean & post a link with any 'problem(s) information in a separate new post in the appropriate form (ie pest/vebtalation/general problems ect.)


Where to go and what to do from here?


Post (with-in this tread) particular questions relevan to your present situation you want to address.


1. I have a space (room) problem & need help with ideas for finishing my grow off. Any ideas?

2. How do I know when my plants are 3 weeks before harvest?

3. Should I & when should I use PK13/14 to bring excessive streatching - she's budded up @ w5 but looks like w3.


Make a list of question you have I am sure Ralic, Gazza and SS along with many others will only be to glad to give some input to help you out buddy.g.


Get back to us bg,




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So the answer to my original question would be......No i guess as no one has answered it.


thanks for your replys everyone.


I was not thinking that it was a sativa as the leaves look to be too fat for it.(sativa has a more slender leaf)


I have bent the long branches down....again. and will perservier with the stretchy bitch. :thumbsup:


Will let you all no how it goes.



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