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Guest nick_milligan

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Ok, I made up a foilie and stuck it in the freezer, I couldn't find a container the right shape and it was way too big for a zip lock sandwich bag so I rolled it up in a freezer bag and stuck it in the freezer like that, will that work or should I have waited until I wasn't quite so off my face?


Can I still use my coffee grinder?


being a NON-tobacco Smoker, I try to find the nicest and least harsh way to get stoned I can.. 

Me too :P



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Nah, its always good to try things I reckon Tom...


So long as its fairly well sealed , the air in your freezer can be a little moist...


Make sur you leave it there for a good time.. say 2 hours... and once you chop it, if you dont smoke it all, chuck some gladwarp over you bowl and put it back in again ... or in the crisper...


- Merv

Edited by merv
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Right on Merv, Cold is the way to go. Once my buds are are the curing stage

I wack em in airtight jars in the bottom of our fridge, covered with a cloth, because nobody really knows for sure if the light goes out when you close the door, right? I'v built up a reserve to where it's getting to cure for about 3 months before I get into it. Once I tried this, I noticed the smell and taste of

the buds to be 'purer' and more 'concentrated' for want of a better word.

Definately smoother, and you can taste the flavours of the different strains more clearly. I sound like a wine wanker. "A lovely little fruity boquet with a choclatey

finish, teased by the faint eches of elderberries..."

I like it so much we are running out of room for vegetables. I'm thinking about

getting a bar fridge for curing only. I haven't tried the freezing, but my girl's at work, so I might go see what's in the freezer we can chuck out to make some room.....he he, men rule the kitchen.... he he


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I've read some of your receipes Urbanhog.....


And Like I said in another post... Next time over east.... I gunna have to look you up....


Wassily... Man once they try cold/frozen , they never go back... I dunno about the wine tasting, but it sure brings a new meaning to being a Connoisseur.... And I have to agree, smoking it cold really enhances the flavour....

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