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Marijuana for Anxiety



G'day everyone,


I've done a bit of searching around the internet and on these forums regarding marijuana use for anxiety..


I personally suffer from anxiety, (to the point that standing in line at a supermarket is very hard for me to do as I begin to panic etc) and find that depending on the amount I smoke it really helps me feel a lot calmer and not so worried about everything. Obviously one needs to take into consideration the strain etc..


From what I've read the Sativa's are better for anxiety rather than the Indica's since the Indica's are more of a body high. I've also read somewhere that Strawberry Cough is a good Sativa which is sometimes used medically for anxiety which is why I would really like to try it.


I've heard a few people claim that marijuana causes panic but I don't really believe that to be true, (not in my case anyway as I've had anxiety long before I started smoking bud), I think that a large part of it is that people are worried about getting caught smoking since it is illegal here.


I'm just wondering if anyone has had any experience in this area and whether they've found it helps and so forth..


Thanks for your time. :freak:

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I have found that a joint is the best way to consume weed without the anxiety...

..and also eating it..


but cones and pipes give both too much and not enough...

you take a big toke...ya hold it in...ya get the rush...the blush...ya turn to mush... :D


However with a joint :uhhuh: ..it is more relaxed and sociable (even by oneself) :D ...easy to pace yourself

..no rush...more a gentle climb as opposed the a cruise missile up the clacker to put you in orbit... :thumbsup:


and when you reach that special place after a few puffs on a spliff, :peace: you can put it out to finish later...

and for the next half hour or more you are gently lifted beyond this mortal toil to waft about on the breezes of

serenity and contentment. :D


That being said...at the moment I'm on buckets because it gives me more bang for my buck :peace:


singing, fading into the background.."Someday, my grow will come...Great big spliffs for everyone..." :peace:


peace out


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Guest Stephen

I've had a bit of anxiety for a while now. I'm 18 this year, still live at home, I don't have a job, I don't know anyone, I don't leave this house and I don't have any sort of schooling. I had to leave school at the end of year 11 because I just couldn't handle it anymore. Stuff at home was very tough...

I often get a bit shakey when I leave the house, and I won't go on the train or bus by myself.


anyway :disguise:. I have looked into the drugs doctors use to treat this and... Uhhh.. Theres no f'ing way I'm gonna take that. Cannabis on the other hand, it's about as harmful as coffee (so i hear).

:thumbsup: I'm already praising it and I've never even smoked the stuff...

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Stephen you sound like me. I don't leave the house unless I have to. Like TAFE, when I go out to see friends RARELY. You should really start TAFE or something, it's nothing like school. Really laid back and after a while you get used to going out everyday. Going back monday eek!


Anyway, I was just wondering.... I heard there are compassion clubs in Victoria, is this really true?

t'would be a blessing.

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Guest Stephen
Stephen you sound like me. I don't leave the house unless I have to. Like TAFE, when I go out to see friends RARELY. You should really start TAFE or something, it's nothing like school. Really laid back and after a while you get used to going out everyday. Going back monday eek!


Mmm I definitely need to get out of the house. I tried an online course but the fact that it was online couldn't motivate me to do it, as well as the fact it was certificate 2, which is nothing. People keep telling me it is laid back and good. I am really considering it. It's just I don't exactly live in the city so it is a 1 hour TRAIN ride each way. I bloody hate trains.

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I'm the same Stephen, I really don't like trains, trams, buses etc.. I get uncomfortable and panicky. Since I've bought a car and been driving I actually enjoy traveling, so much better as you can take your own route, play music loudly, stop and rest if you need to. It's all about control I think..


I find it's situations that I don't have much control over that I start to panic. I do my best to avoid them but not completely as I want to slowly introduce difficult situations and train myself to stay calm and relaxed, it's not easy but I figure that's how I'm going to get over all this anxiety stuff along with the help of Mary Jane..

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I'm the same Stephen, I really don't like trains, trams, buses etc.. I get uncomfortable and panicky. Since I've bought a car and been driving I actually enjoy traveling, so much better as you can take your own route, play music loudly, stop and rest if you need to. It's all about control I think..


I find it's situations that I don't have much control over that I start to panic. I do my best to avoid them but not completely as I want to slowly introduce difficult situations and train myself to stay calm and relaxed, it's not easy but I figure that's how I'm going to get over all this anxiety stuff along with the help of Mary Jane..


I hate trains the most because you are forced in front of other people, i get so much tension in my face from any form of public transport, its so bad

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I too find cannabis great for anxiety; now I cruise through my days productively achieving rather than living with shakes [whole body] - dropping things, not being able to think straight et al from panic anxiety about having to do something. I now can do things I like doing and those I have to do. I am unable to take any pain killers and the reduction of pain levels is significant as a result of reduced/eliminated anxiety.
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I also have used it for anxiety which I have had for many years. I don't have any choof anymore (not by choice, I moved cities) but don't know what strain it was but I did get a bit paranoid about a knock on the door or the phone ringing at night as this was the only time I smoked. Since I haven't had any I must admit my anxiety is worse and I don't sleep as well. I was also using it for chronic pain and was great for that too. But as others have said we all react differently to it.

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