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Cheating the Hangman Vaporite Hotbox VR-001 Review

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I recently purchased the Vaporite Hotbox VR-001 from Cheating the Hangman. I'm going to provide an indepth review of this model. I've only seen reviews of the Hyper model, and haven't seen an indepth review of this device. I hope it's useful.


Firstly, the seller. I found Cheating The Hangman to be a great seller. The product arrived only two days after my payment cleared, and was in a non-descript box. He was very helpful, and answered my questions promptly by email. I highly recommend him.


The Device:

The Vaporizer itself looks very stylish. The dark brown wood gives it a traditional look, and does not appear as an obvious smoking device (it looks more like a guitar pedal).


Using the Device:

I found the Vaporizer required a similar amount of effort and fiddling as packing bongs. It takes a few packs to get it right, but once you get used to the Whip, it is easy to pack.


First, a few negatives


The temperature dial on the Vaporizer is a negative. The dial is very very sensitive and hard to use. When trying to push the temperature up five degrees, it may go up thirty. I suppose this is the price for buying the cheaper model, and the problem is remedied by setting the temperature before you are inebriated, as it can be frustrating dealing with this sensitve nob whilst stoned.


Getting used to the device:

When vaporizing, at first it can be quite hard to tell if you are doing it correctly. A few times I thought I was just getting great pulls until I realised I was infact inhaling smoke. Other times, I was inhaling nothing at all. I found the ideal temperature is about 390 farenheit on this device if you inhale agressively. If you prefer to casually puff it like a tobacco pipe, about 400 farenheit is ideal. I highly recommend heading to your local health store and purchasing a bag of Damiana. Damiana vaporizers at about the same temperature as Marijuana, and is a great way to get your vaporizing skills up without wasting good herb.


Possible Slow Reheat:

Another possible negative of this device is it's sometimes slow reheat time. If you are vaping in a group, it can be quite frustrating waiting for the device to heat up after your friends pull a lungful. When using the device in a group of two or less, this is not much of a problem, and if you are a patient person, it is also not a problem. But if you are in a group attempting to get very high very quickly, it could be very annoying.


Attempting to use device when tripping:

My final negative on this device occurs when you are severly intoxicated. It can be problematic using the device when uber-baked, as you cannot feel if you are inhaling the vapor, and cannot tell if the weed is fully vaporized when looking at it. This is because you just vaped a gram of super-chronic. To some, this may be a sign to stop smoking, but to those who are dedicated, you must continue. I was convinced I wasn't getting anything out of the device, until my friend filmed my exhalation and showed it to me. I was exhaling a huge cloud of vapor. Getting a second opinion can solve this problem, or if your not concerned, it may be a good idea to swap to bongs at this point.


Now, the many positives


Economy: You use less weed. When i heard this claim, i doubted it, but it's true. Your marijuana goes further.


No Smell: I cannot stress this positive enough. There is practically no smell about an hour after you finish vaporizing. I vaporized in my room with four regular smokers, and we got very stoned for many hours, and my room did not smell like marijuana at all the next morning, even without opening a window!


Additionally, it doesn't set off smoke alarms. For those of you that live in University colleges, parents houses, or rental properties where you cannot smoke inside, this is great. How many times I've had to leave a sweet Call Of Duty 4 online game to go outside for a smoke.


The Lungs: Im an asthmatic, and additionally I've had a heavy cold for the past week. The vaporizer doesn't damage your lungs whatsoever, and genuinely feels smooth on the lungs. It's like warm air passing through your system. It is very relaxing not feeling pain to get high.


The High: The high is great. It's a very clear high. I found my head felt clearer and I don't feel hazy, tired or get headaches while Vaporizing. Beware, the high is similar to joints. It takes about 15 minutes to kick in, and when it does, bam. Because I am used to smoke, I inhaled a great amount of Vapor my first time, because I thought I would need to inhale the same amount of Vapor as I would smoke. Needless to say, I nearly died (in a good way). The vapor is pure THC and CBN and therefore you need alot less.


Conclusion: This model has some negatives, none of which are serious, just mildly annoying. It's positives are huge, and it is without a doubt worth the money. I enjoy it greatly and recommend it to anyone on a budget. I've never tried a more expensive model, so I cannot compare, but I wasn't willing to spend more on a device I havent used before.


I hope this review was useful, and wasn't too long. I just wanted to accurately describe the whole Vaporizing prosess. If anyone else has this model, please comment with your favourite vaporizing temperatures or techniques (how much herb do you put in etc) and also your thoughts on this model.



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Thats a great review jrodism many thanks :D , and you really crack me up with "Attempting to use device when tripping: .... To some, this may be a sign to stop smoking, but to those who are dedicated, you must continue" .. LMFAO :D




Cheers mate, but honestly, I've found it's the worst thing about the device. When your at the point where your head is in a bag of dorito's and your playing your 25th game of Call of Duty 4 online, and you actually can't move your mouth, it's really really hard to work the vaporizer.


I'm worried I'm going to burn the house or my cat or something, and theres the problem of working out if you've finished the vape. It's hard work. End up all sweaty and agitated. Haha

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Can you smoke the left over product, like in a joint or something? Or is it trash?


I found my ideal temperate--in Seattle, Washington--to be 370 degrees F. I really like this unit. The high from vapor is different from smoking, I would describe it as "cleaner".


The amount I use isn't very much; just enough to cover the screen gets me pretty stoned. I do think with such a small amount it tends to burn or vaporize unevenly. If you throw more in, you can pack it down - preventing some from falling down onto the element screen. I've been thinking about picking up a two piece whip (with two screens) that suspends the weed on an even plane.

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Great Review! I just picked up one of these from halfbakedgoods.net for 59 bucks. How long would you say it takes to initially heat up?


To be honest I haven't timed it. Maybe 10 minutes? Thing is, sometimes when you take a big pull, it takes a few seconds to reheat, but occasionally it takes forever to reheat after a big vape.

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Can you smoke the left over product, like in a joint or something? Or is it trash?


I found my ideal temperate--in Seattle, Washington--to be 370 degrees F. I really like this unit. The high from vapor is different from smoking, I would describe it as "cleaner".


The amount I use isn't very much; just enough to cover the screen gets me pretty stoned. I do think with such a small amount it tends to burn or vaporize unevenly. If you throw more in, you can pack it down - preventing some from falling down onto the element screen. I've been thinking about picking up a two piece whip (with two screens) that suspends the weed on an even plane.


370, ok, ill give it a go. Still experimenting with it really. Haven't been able to smoke for a couple of weeks, just incredibly busy. Pressures off now though.


Yeah, i found if you are smoking with a few people, if you pack it with a larger amount of marijuana, it works quite smoothly, but you have to stir the weed occasionally to keep it working.


I agree, the high does seem cleaner, it certainly felt clearer. The usual haze that surrounds me when I smoke wasn't there.


Infact, I'm gonna hit it right now.

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hey all!!! Gotta agree the vape is nuts...had mine for about a year...420 initial heat up...the drop it to 400...takes bout 5 mins to heat the really just take my time with it...a device to relax with and GTA is my game:D

Much cleaner stoned than with a bong i reckon, and as for the left overs...i only vap them til they are just turning light brown. then save em...usually i smoke em through my budbomb....only when desperate or mix it with green for the same...gets you very heady stoned if that makes sens :D e!

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I hope this review was useful, and wasn't too long. I just wanted to accurately describe the whole Vaporizing prosess. If anyone else has this model, please comment with your favourite vaporizing temperatures or techniques (how much herb do you put in etc) and also your thoughts on this model.


Hey jrodism,


Good review! I concur about the temperature dial, it is indeed fiddly, but after a while I got used to it, and it doesn't really annoy me any more.


As for heating-time, I think it's more like 5 minutes for me until the light goes off (I don't think it takes 10), although I haven't timed it so I'm not sure. But yeah I'm not sure how the re-heat times would go at a party or whatever, I only ever use it with a few people at most, and it's been fine for that, everyone just draws anyway, regardless of the light. We just let it heat up once and then go for it -- we still get vapor either way, so I don't know if it matters or not.


:peace: Hey man,


Cool review. I just bought the vaporite hyper and am having probs with it!! I can't seem to get much out of it. small tokes is all. The temp drops quick once the fan begins and I am not getting any kind of pull. Mostly just air....

What am I doing wrong???


I'm not suggesting anything, but have you read the instructions carefully? I ordered mine from CTH and there was a printed A4 piece of paper with instructions on it. I read them quickly at first and I was having similar frustrating experiences. Turns out I wasn't grinding my herb properly, and wasn't putting a nice even layer on the screen properly (it says this is a critical step in the instructions, but somehow I managed to ignore it...). That helped a lot, heh. After that I just learned from trial and error, and found what worked for me. It wasn't until about 8 months later that I figured out what the gold screens were for... you put them on top to stop your herb falling down! Your herb has to be adhered to the screen for it to vaporise properly. Again, the instructions mentioned the gold screens, and again, I seem to have missed it, even after reading them twice -- it wasn't until a friend read it and told me... ;) hah.

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