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Police winning war on drugs: Govt

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Police winning war on drugs: Govt

Posted Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:40pm AEST

ABC News




The SA Government says new crime figures show that police are winning the war on illicit drugs. (ABC News)

The State Government says new crime figures show that police are winning the war on illicit drugs in South Australia.


Police Minister Michael Wright says the Crime Commission report highlights big reductions in seizures of amphetamines, cannabis, heroin and cocaine.


He has told Parliament the numbers of seizures are down because police are disrupting the trafficking, cultivation and manufacture of illicit drugs.


"In particular the report shows that there has been a massive reduction in the quantity of amphetamine-type stimulants seized," he said.


"In 2005-2006 there were 66 kilograms of amphetamine-type stimulants seized in South Australia with this figure falling to just seven kilograms in 2006-2007."

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I hope they have fun winning their war as much fun as Bush had finding weapons of mass destruction.


They can give up Their war because........




I rely on facts to support my declaration and implore those in a position to do the same.


Use the facts!













Then make sure you read every article @







Edited by entheofarm
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Hey idiots, wanna know why you found more, because there is being more created.


there's probably more getting to the public now than ever. Just because your too stupid to find it that you have to rely on dogs to do your work for you.



Kiloppo thats mean, no need to kick them while their down.........nah fuck it, kick away!

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The Battle is an old one, no doubt with many mysteries. It concerns Freedom, Independence and Sovereignty as against despicable, arrogant tyranny. Ours are often thankless struggles against servility and the psychological impotence of those who prescribe suppression and restriction in the face of life, love and liberty! Of those who adhere to authority as truth. If we look outside of times and places and motives we have some distorted myths which posit issues on a supernatural and superhuman scale. There is evidence that history is not as we have been taught.
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Less people getting caught??? Less seizures of drugs means they are winning???


The government sure has a nice way of putting a spin on things, I would think if they catch less people that means theyre losing the war....


Cos theres still plenty of drugs around!!!

you pretty much took the words right out of my mouth :(


in all seriousness though if they were winning the war on drugs it wouldnt do them any good. sure illegal drugs would be off the streets, but then comes the major increase in the consumption of alcohol and pharmacuticals which can be more pure and potent than street drugs :( thats great for the legal drug manufacturers, but for the rest of society it means alot more violence, higher prices for drugs other than alcohol, more thefts and all round agro junkies that give everyone around them issues :(

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What a waste of money and display of ignorance. Don't these ppl know that it's a war against our fellow country man. With all the resources put in to 'winning' this war, it could be used to make a REAL difference in society. How about diverting the massive amount of funds away from detection and punishment and use it to help our those who have psychological issues or lack of education and opportunity that lead them to gravitate to a life of substance abuse. Punishment has never worked and never will. The day we get some real leaders with common sense and vision, will be the day we see our society transform into one where ppl don't have to put needles in their arms and guns in the faces of services station attendants.

We all lose in this 'war'.

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buddha i completely agree. There is so much fucked up shit happening in this world that could be fixed with the billions of dollars pumped into getting rid of a fucking plant. If the worlds leaders just hit a billy and listened to some simon and garfunkel the world would be such a peaceful place.


all i want to do is live life with a girl by a beach, design houses and smoke weed. but for some reason the powers won't let me do this.


not to fear fellas, times are changing and hopefully some time soon we closet dwellers are going to be vindicated.

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