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Hemp Bar closure

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No wonder none of us stoners can work together to get cannabis law reforms happening. We've got people who are probably to paranoid to tell there family, friends, ect that they even smoke, who then sit around bagging out this Michael bloke for sticking his neck out and risking his freedom, because he might of allowed cannabis to be sold on his premises. Ok, selling cannabis is illegal, but smoking, possession and cultivation is illegal, which I'm sure everyone who comes to this site does ones in a while, which by law is the wrong thing. So why the fuck are people getting harsh on this bloke when we are all doing the wrong thing everyday. The only difference in possessing it and selling it is the money, so grow up and start supporting the very few people in this country that are fighting this cause.


By the way, the only time I really see anti cannabis people treating the issue lightly is when it comes to the stereotype of hippies with dreadlocks toking in the back of there van, so I have to question the theory that the nimbin hippies a fucking it up for everyone. I don’t think the general public would really care less if they thought it was only them toking away on the herb, which would explain why the public has let nimbin get away with it for so long, even though cannabis has such a bad reputation at the moment.

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By the way, the only time I really see anti cannabis people treating the issue lightly is when it comes to the stereotype of hippies with dreadlocks toking in the back of there van, so I have to question the theory that the nimbin hippies a fucking it up for everyone. I don't think the general public would really care less if they thought it was only them toking away on the herb, which would explain why the public has let nimbin get away with it for so long, even though cannabis has such a bad reputation at the moment.


:peace: You hit the nail on the head there jabez. Problem is that unless cannabis law reform is taken seriously then it will never change. Sure people were happy to have a place like Nimbin as a trial area but thanks to the given an inch and take a mile attitude shown by those given the chance to show it can work, it won't be happening anywhere, not even Nimbin. Joe public is happy for Nimbin to be there, it is a social experiment not a fight with the system as many seem to think and as long as the experiment fails there then any pot law reform is a pipe dream imo other than for medicinal use. Nimbin has been promoting itself at the cannabis capitol of australia for along time now. This is driven largly by the egos and financial interests of a minority I agree but as they have been successfull in convincing Joe public this is the case then they should be able to acept critisism from those that feel their actions have affected law reform for all cannabis users. Weather they care is a whole different matter.


Peace MongyMan

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After a meeting with the Museum’s landlord in Sydney, curator Michael Balderstone is optimistic for the future of the unique tourist attraction. ”He’s a nice guy and he seems keen for the Museum to continue. He’s going to come to Nimbin for the first time, in the next couple of weeks during the school holidays, and he sounds prepared to spend the money on CCTV cameras, securing the building and a fence around the backyard etc, which is what the police are asking for.”


“He wants to keep the Museum going as a tourist attraction but bring us hippies into the ‘civilized new age’, my words, but you know what I mean, wipeable surfaces ‘n stuff like that!”


“He still hasn’t seen the place but reckons maybe we have only a front and back entrance open, both covered by cameras, and fire doors that only open out as emergency exits on the other doors. Cameras in the backyard as well…and a fence around the block. Charge a proper entry fee instead of hippie donations and get with it. He actually made a lot of sense as a business man, and it would be good for the displays in the Museum, but I can’t help feeling like we’re being sterilized. Homogenized and pasteurized as well probably!”


“One of the polices conditions is that I’m kicked out and just today young Grace found my ‘NOTICE TO QUIT’ letter, lost under the front Kombie in the Museum. So clearly some could say we need more order in the place, but actually I’m just trying to compensate for all the control freaks trying to kill the few little specks of free expression left in the village.”


“No doubt a lot of people will be happy to see the Museum tamed but they may not realize what they are losing until it’s gone. Already this week some shopkeepers are complaining that business is down and the streets are quiet due to the adverse police media about Nimbin. Many people think the Museum is already closed. Let’s hope they don’t throw all the babies out with the bathwater.”


“And no one is facing up to the reality of how to deal with the inevitability of ongoing cannabis supply in the village. It seems obvious that the police have targeted the two establishments lobbying for debate on this issue. Both the Museum and the Hemp Bar, and anyone volunteering in those places have been lined up by undercovers who must have walked past offers on the street in order to try and buy deals on premises they wish to close down. It’s a clumsy and expensive way to operate I reckon, not to mention the zero ‘community consultation’. And will it make any difference to the amount of dealing in the village? It may well push it back onto the street more, the very opposite of what the police say they want.”


Almost artist in residence Elspeth Jones is prepared to sign a new lease to ensure continuity of the Museum, but clearly we are in for big changes.


Elspeth has been the most consistent artist in the Museum since it opened and in many ways it’s her magic paintbrush that has made the place so special. She’s put her heart and soul into it more than anyone.


There is a Comment Book in the café at the Museum for anyone to write their thoughts on the matter, and everyone is encouraged to walk the Rainbow Serpents path thru Nimbins history, while they still can.


Performers and storytellers interested in contributing to a daily show in the Museums Mingle Park should get in touch with Elspeth.


Proposals for the reopening of the HEMP Bar kiosk are welcome, call the Embassy or drop in.


Museum 0266891123…HEMP Embassy 0266891842….



:D grace

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